4 9 2 D O C U M E N T S 5 0 1 , 5 0 2 M A R C H 1 9 2 7 501. To Arnold Berliner [Berlin, after 18 March 1927][1] Dear Mr. Berliner, I read through the presentation. It needs to be corrected throughout so as to be unobjectionable. However, I am not in favor of its being printed because the lecture is not sufficiently original. One must above all be critical of oneself. One can only sustain the aspiration to be read ¢by this means² if every insignificant thing is not expressed, if at all possible. Warm regards, your A. E. 502. To Joaquim Bensaúde[1] Berlin, 23 March 1927 Dear Colleague, The fact that you were so kind as to send me some of your work some time ago encourages me to warmly recommend Dr. Ariel Bension to you. He is a represen- tative of the Keren Hayesod office in Jerusalem.[2] It would be kind of you to pro- vide him the contacts he needs for his activity. I’ve been told that you have previously intervened positively, successfully for the cause of Zionism, which pleased me very much. Respectful and collegial regards, your A. Einstein