8 9 8 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S M A R C H 1 9 2 9 1040. To Carl Heinrich Becker Berlin, 20 March 1929 Thanks for the congratulations (Abs. 971) not because of the exaggerated acknowledg- ment expressed in it, but of the attention and sympathy of the sender. Wishes that Becker long serve the state and for continued intellectual and moral progress in his leading po- sition. TLS. [83 278]. 1041. To City of Berlin [Berlin,] 20 March 1929 Thanks for the wonderful flowers. With a far-sighted land management and mindful of her great social tasks, let Berlin achieve the development expected by everyone. TLC. [30 363]. 1042. To Blackie & Son, Ltd. [Berlin,] 20 March 1929 Had given Methuen permission to publish Einstein 1929n (Doc. 365) (see Doc. 418), and does not intend to withdraw it. TLC. [45 609]. 1043. From Hans Byland Chur, 20 March 1929 The Aargauer Tagblatt republished his article on the time spent by AE there. Mentions the Klingler quartet’s and A. Schweitzer’s concerts. ALS. [30 386]. 1044. From Jaromir Palla Prague, 20 March 1929 Attaches his paper on a novel acoustic phenomenon and its explanation. In Prague, physicists did not believe him. The explanation relies on a modification of the Doppler principle, which is a special case of the principle of relativity, therefore hopes AE will read it and propose a publication venue. ALS. [25 193]. “Beantwortet. Die Formel bezw. ist abgeleitet” is written at the bottom of the document in AE’s hand. ALf. [25 194]. 1045. From Max Planck Grunewald, 21 March 1929 Could not thank AE for his letter of 11 March (nonextant) in person. Levi-Civita’s paper has been accepted for Sitzungsberichte (see Doc. 461). Stayed in Vienna on AE’s birth- day and remembered it with his best wishes. AKS. [19 336]. 1046. From Siegfried Bieber Berlin, 22 March 1929 The boat will be built by Berkholz & Gärsch in Friedrichshagen. AE may wish to see this process, and a car is at his disposal. Will deliver AE’s letter to Goldman on the 25th. ALS. [30 395]. 1047. From Norbert Nieuwland [Maredsous,] 22 March 1929 The Reich postmaster general has sent a circular to post offices instructing them to in- tercept and destroy the brochure “The Legend of French Sharpshooters of Dinant” (see also Einstein 1928u [Doc. 301]). The Vossische Zeitung of 20 March informed its read- ers of the decision. The German government has officially instructed Christian Meurer to republish the accusations found in the White Book. Such moves hinder the reconcil- iation of peoples. TLS. [34 592]. 1048. From Georges Oprescu Geneva, 22 March 1929 The Japanese National Committee on Intellectual Cooperation intends to host the ICIC in Japan for its session in 1930. Asks committee members whether they could participate in person. The journey would take seven weeks during the Easter holidays. TLS. [34 1006]. 1049. To Georges Oprescu [Berlin, after 22 March 1929] In reply to Abs. 1048, welcomes the Japanese National Committee’s zeal, but will be un- able to attend. Supports a session in Japan. ADftL at the bottom of Abs. 1048. [34 1007]. 1050. To Hans Albert Einstein and Frieda Einstein-Knecht [Berlin,] 23 March 1929 They are expecting the couple for Easter. AE did not receive the house as a gift, only a plot of land on which it could be eventually built. On the verso of a copy of Doc. 435. ALSX. [75 786]. v 2n v kn