C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S M A R C H 1 9 2 9 8 9 9 1051. To Luise Karr-Krüsi [Berlin,] 23 March 1929 Remembers the Swiss landscapes and the time spent arm in arm with a beloved friend. ALSX. [123 450]. 1052. From IIIC Geneva, 23 March 1929 The directors and staff congratulate AE on his birthday. TDC. [95 451]. 1053. From Helene Pohlidal Breslau, 23 March 1929 Thanks for AE’s readiness to intervene for her at the Breslau radio program for literary essays. They are not giving her many opportunities. Would be satisfied with a monthly appearance on the program. Requests recommendation to a Berlin radio program. Her “Christ’s Life and Death” was a success in Berlin in 1922. Attaches essays on “Kierkegaard and Nietzsche,” “Female Characters in Goethe’s Youth,” literature re- views, opinion on “The Priest and the Prostitute,” two articles, and a movie script draft. ALS. [48 022]. 1054. To Maja Winteler-Einstein [Berlin,] 24 March 1929 Thanks for their nice letter. Happy that they are not at the mercy of inclement weather. At Easter the married and always moving Hans Albert, and Tete, will visit him. On the verso of a copy of Doc. 435. ALSX. [97 169]. 1055. From Eduard Einstein Zurich, 24 March [1929] Analyzes the reason why one is happy when one succeeds in solving a problem. Has been called “antisocial” by AE. Collects signatures for a petition for women’s right to vote. It is amusing to see people in their homes and learn how they live. The life of sim- ple men is the real life. Argues against attributing higher value to the soul than to the body, or to geniuses than to ordinary men by citing expressionist poets, writers and phi- losophers. AE is a rare example of a balanced genius. Solicits AE’s help for Gottfried Benn, “one of the most important lyricists.” ALS. [144 493]. 1056. To Walther Schücking Berlin, 25 March 1929 Attached sends N. Nieuwland’s reply to Schücking’s letter (Abs. 1047) to establish a di- rect contact between them. Expects this two-member “committee” will create an atmo- sphere and a way of handling of the data on the past, which will turn poison into a balm. TLS. [97 409]. 1057. From Julius von Bosse Böhlitz-Ehrenberg bei Leipzig, 25 March 1929 Has patents on electrode atomization, and intends to start a company in England. A cer- tain Einstein in England claims that fur coated with metal by this invention can be pro- duced by his patent. The person whose original name is Ainstein, had changed his name to Einstein and apparently used it to raise investments for a company there. No doubt he received the funding because he was considered to be Albert Einstein. Attaches an arti- cle in the Daily Mirror, 21 March 1929, announcing gold and silver furs with the header “Einstein as a Dress Expert” ([45 098]). If AE does not want to take steps against him, requests permission to clear up the situation on AE’s behalf. TLS. [46 096]. 1058. From Heinrich Zangger Montana, 25 March 1929 He is depressed because of serious cardiac trouble. Reminds of the seventieth birthday of Aurel Stodola and proposes greetings be published in the Zürcher Zeitung. Happy that Berlin presented AE with a house. TLC. [92 519]. 1059. From City of Zurich Zurich, 25 March 1929 Proud of having AE among its citizens. On the occasion of his fiftieth birthday, presents an album with thirteen etchings of Zurich. TLS. [30 364]. 1060. From Oscar Wassermann Berlin, 26 March 1929 To create a solid foundation for the Jüdische Friedensbund, the organization intends to turn to Jewish communities, Masonic lodges, and major Jewish organizations for moral and financial support. Requests permission to list AE’s name among those of other
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C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S M A R C H 1 9 2 9 8 9 9 1051. To Luise Karr-Krüsi [Berlin,] 23 March 1929 Remembers the Swiss landscapes and the time spent arm in arm with a beloved friend. ALSX. [123 450]. 1052. From IIIC Geneva, 23 March 1929 The directors and staff congratulate AE on his birthday. TDC. [95 451]. 1053. From Helene Pohlidal Breslau, 23 March 1929 Thanks for AE’s readiness to intervene for her at the Breslau radio program for literary essays. They are not giving her many opportunities. Would be satisfied with a monthly appearance on the program. Requests recommendation to a Berlin radio program. Her “Christ’s Life and Death” was a success in Berlin in 1922. Attaches essays on “Kierkegaard and Nietzsche,” “Female Characters in Goethe’s Youth,” literature re- views, opinion on “The Priest and the Prostitute,” two articles, and a movie script draft. ALS. [48 022]. 1054. To Maja Winteler-Einstein [Berlin,] 24 March 1929 Thanks for their nice letter. Happy that they are not at the mercy of inclement weather. At Easter the married and always moving Hans Albert, and Tete, will visit him. On the verso of a copy of Doc. 435. ALSX. [97 169]. 1055. From Eduard Einstein Zurich, 24 March [1929] Analyzes the reason why one is happy when one succeeds in solving a problem. Has been called “antisocial” by AE. Collects signatures for a petition for women’s right to vote. It is amusing to see people in their homes and learn how they live. The life of sim- ple men is the real life. Argues against attributing higher value to the soul than to the body, or to geniuses than to ordinary men by citing expressionist poets, writers and phi- losophers. AE is a rare example of a balanced genius. Solicits AE’s help for Gottfried Benn, “one of the most important lyricists.” ALS. [144 493]. 1056. To Walther Schücking Berlin, 25 March 1929 Attached sends N. Nieuwland’s reply to Schücking’s letter (Abs. 1047) to establish a di- rect contact between them. Expects this two-member “committee” will create an atmo- sphere and a way of handling of the data on the past, which will turn poison into a balm. TLS. [97 409]. 1057. From Julius von Bosse Böhlitz-Ehrenberg bei Leipzig, 25 March 1929 Has patents on electrode atomization, and intends to start a company in England. A cer- tain Einstein in England claims that fur coated with metal by this invention can be pro- duced by his patent. The person whose original name is Ainstein, had changed his name to Einstein and apparently used it to raise investments for a company there. No doubt he received the funding because he was considered to be Albert Einstein. Attaches an arti- cle in the Daily Mirror, 21 March 1929, announcing gold and silver furs with the header “Einstein as a Dress Expert” ([45 098]). If AE does not want to take steps against him, requests permission to clear up the situation on AE’s behalf. TLS. [46 096]. 1058. From Heinrich Zangger Montana, 25 March 1929 He is depressed because of serious cardiac trouble. Reminds of the seventieth birthday of Aurel Stodola and proposes greetings be published in the Zürcher Zeitung. Happy that Berlin presented AE with a house. TLC. [92 519]. 1059. From City of Zurich Zurich, 25 March 1929 Proud of having AE among its citizens. On the occasion of his fiftieth birthday, presents an album with thirteen etchings of Zurich. TLS. [30 364]. 1060. From Oscar Wassermann Berlin, 26 March 1929 To create a solid foundation for the Jüdische Friedensbund, the organization intends to turn to Jewish communities, Masonic lodges, and major Jewish organizations for moral and financial support. Requests permission to list AE’s name among those of other

