C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S M A R C H 1 9 2 9 8 9 7 1030. From the Zionist Organisation Executive Committee London, 15 March 1929 Congratulates and wishes good health so as to be able to continue his excellent activities in the service of the Jewish people and human knowledge. Jüdische Rundschau, 19 March 1929. PTgm. [98 036]. 1031. From Keren Hajessod [Jerusalem, 17 March 1929] On behalf of the donors to the Keren Hajessod, sends warm birthday wishes. Doar ha- Yom, 17 March 1929. PL. [98 004]. 1032. To Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung [Berlin,] 18 March 1929 In reply to Abs. 861, recommends that the foundation accept E. R. Cohen’s application. A competent person positively evaluated his scientific work. In addition, the candidate would contribute to the geological survey of the Balkans. Pompecki accepted the topic of the doctoral work the candidate had proposed to him. TLC. [45 767]. 1033. To editors of Ulmer Abendpost [Berlin,] 18 March 1929 In response to the editors’ (nonextant) request, appreciates Ulm, his city of birth (see Einstein 1929q [Doc. 453]). TLS. [95 923]. 1034. To Jakob Goldschmidt [Berlin,] 18 March 1929 Requests Goldschmidt’s participation in the honorary committee of an organization established by Carl Frankenstein, with AE’s collaboration, to support the work of cre- atively active Jews (see Abs. 958). Martin Buber, Lion Feuchtwanger, Sigmund Freud, Bertold Israel, and Arnold Zweig have also been invited. TLC. [46 281]. 1035. To Siegfried Lehmann Berlin, 18 March 1929 Sends heartfelt thanks for the photographs and the children’s drawings, and expresses friendship and admiration. ALS. [71 739]. 1036. To Lionel Walter Rothschild [Berlin,] 18 March 1929 Supports E. R. Cohen’s application for a stipend (see Abs. 933 and 1032). TLC. [45 768]. 1037. From class 7a, Boys’ School of Jewish Community on Große Hamburgerstraße, Berlin, organized by teacher Max Reschke, sent together as parcel post Berlin, 18–19 March 1929 From ?? [30 319], [30 336], [30 357], [30 359], Herbert ? [30 338], Horst ? [30 340], Isi Bacon [30 343], Leo Baumer [30 341], Werner Baumgarten [30 327], Artur Belz [30 347], Max Bergoffen [30 346], Fritz Birnhack, [30 328], Max Brecher [30 326], Hein Bronner [30 329], Josef Chmnelnizki [30 316], [30 345], Bruno Fischer [30 324], Julius Flatow [30 323], Moritz Flaumenhaft [30 339], Julius Fleischer [30 331], Egon Friedler [30 355], Heini Geller [30 325], Max Gewürz [30 330], Hans Gurfinkel [30 351], Leo Halpern [30 358], Hansjakob Hollander [30 352] and [30 356], Leo Kaufmann [30 342], S. Kaufmann [30 350], Adolf Kimmel [30 332], Hermann Küchler [30 349], Gotthold Levy [69 068], Hermann Markus [30 322], Siegmund Okun [30 321], [30 344], Günther Prager [30 333], Wolf Rebhun [30 320], Jakob Rubin [30 353], David Schimmel [30 334], Bernhard Schleien [30 332], Willi Schreier [30 318], Herbert Sniadowski [30 348], Jakob Spiegel [30 335], Max Weinstock [30 354], Heini Zeisel [30 337]. With children’s drawings. AKS. 1038. To Jüdische Rundschau [Berlin,] 19 March 1929 Sends Abs. 935. He refrains from sending a copy of his reply to M. Ussishkin. Apolo- gizes for the calculations on the verso. ALS. [80 419]. 1039. From the Institut International de Physique Solvay Brussels, 19 March 1929 On behalf of P. Langevin, invites to the session of the scientific committee in Brussels, 18–20 May 1929, to discuss the program of the Sixth Solvay Congress, to be held in April 1930. ALS. [48 357].
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Extracted Text (may have errors)

C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S M A R C H 1 9 2 9 8 9 7 1030. From the Zionist Organisation Executive Committee London, 15 March 1929 Congratulates and wishes good health so as to be able to continue his excellent activities in the service of the Jewish people and human knowledge. Jüdische Rundschau, 19 March 1929. PTgm. [98 036]. 1031. From Keren Hajessod [Jerusalem, 17 March 1929] On behalf of the donors to the Keren Hajessod, sends warm birthday wishes. Doar ha- Yom, 17 March 1929. PL. [98 004]. 1032. To Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung [Berlin,] 18 March 1929 In reply to Abs. 861, recommends that the foundation accept E. R. Cohen’s application. A competent person positively evaluated his scientific work. In addition, the candidate would contribute to the geological survey of the Balkans. Pompecki accepted the topic of the doctoral work the candidate had proposed to him. TLC. [45 767]. 1033. To editors of Ulmer Abendpost [Berlin,] 18 March 1929 In response to the editors’ (nonextant) request, appreciates Ulm, his city of birth (see Einstein 1929q [Doc. 453]). TLS. [95 923]. 1034. To Jakob Goldschmidt [Berlin,] 18 March 1929 Requests Goldschmidt’s participation in the honorary committee of an organization established by Carl Frankenstein, with AE’s collaboration, to support the work of cre- atively active Jews (see Abs. 958). Martin Buber, Lion Feuchtwanger, Sigmund Freud, Bertold Israel, and Arnold Zweig have also been invited. TLC. [46 281]. 1035. To Siegfried Lehmann Berlin, 18 March 1929 Sends heartfelt thanks for the photographs and the children’s drawings, and expresses friendship and admiration. ALS. [71 739]. 1036. To Lionel Walter Rothschild [Berlin,] 18 March 1929 Supports E. R. Cohen’s application for a stipend (see Abs. 933 and 1032). TLC. [45 768]. 1037. From class 7a, Boys’ School of Jewish Community on Große Hamburgerstraße, Berlin, organized by teacher Max Reschke, sent together as parcel post Berlin, 18–19 March 1929 From ?? [30 319], [30 336], [30 357], [30 359], Herbert ? [30 338], Horst ? [30 340], Isi Bacon [30 343], Leo Baumer [30 341], Werner Baumgarten [30 327], Artur Belz [30 347], Max Bergoffen [30 346], Fritz Birnhack, [30 328], Max Brecher [30 326], Hein Bronner [30 329], Josef Chmnelnizki [30 316], [30 345], Bruno Fischer [30 324], Julius Flatow [30 323], Moritz Flaumenhaft [30 339], Julius Fleischer [30 331], Egon Friedler [30 355], Heini Geller [30 325], Max Gewürz [30 330], Hans Gurfinkel [30 351], Leo Halpern [30 358], Hansjakob Hollander [30 352] and [30 356], Leo Kaufmann [30 342], S. Kaufmann [30 350], Adolf Kimmel [30 332], Hermann Küchler [30 349], Gotthold Levy [69 068], Hermann Markus [30 322], Siegmund Okun [30 321], [30 344], Günther Prager [30 333], Wolf Rebhun [30 320], Jakob Rubin [30 353], David Schimmel [30 334], Bernhard Schleien [30 332], Willi Schreier [30 318], Herbert Sniadowski [30 348], Jakob Spiegel [30 335], Max Weinstock [30 354], Heini Zeisel [30 337]. With children’s drawings. AKS. 1038. To Jüdische Rundschau [Berlin,] 19 March 1929 Sends Abs. 935. He refrains from sending a copy of his reply to M. Ussishkin. Apolo- gizes for the calculations on the verso. ALS. [80 419]. 1039. From the Institut International de Physique Solvay Brussels, 19 March 1929 On behalf of P. Langevin, invites to the session of the scientific committee in Brussels, 18–20 May 1929, to discuss the program of the Sixth Solvay Congress, to be held in April 1930. ALS. [48 357].

