9 0 6 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S M A Y 1 9 2 9 1127. From Luitzen Brouwer Laren, 30 April 1929 Writing to editors and publisher of Mathematische Annalen, expresses amazement and disappointment that Carathéodory failed to respond to Blumenthal’s charges in the man- ner anticipated (Abs. 804). Gives lengthy rebuttal of Blumenthal’s representation of events and motives leading up to his dismissal from the editorial board (Abs. 751). TLSC. [13 175]. 1128. From Oscar Mahler (Monteferro Co.) Vienna, 30 April 1929 Asks whether the rotation of the Earth has any influence on the speed of a ship across the Atlantic Ocean. TLS. [25 160]. 1129. From Albert Thomas [Geneva,] 1 May 1929 The consultative commission of intellectual workers made a number of proposals at its session of October 1928. The Labour Office should discuss them, as well as the persons to be invited into the office. It should meet before the second session of the commission, possibly in the first days of August, leaving time to prepare necessary documents. Giuseppe de Michelis proposes that the bureau meet between 26 May and 20 June. Asks what date would be convenient for AE. TLS. [34 1009]. 1130. Helen Dukas to Hugo Bergmann [Berlin,] 2 May 1929 On behalf of AE, offers to donate the journal Kant-Studien, which he regularly receives, to the library of Hebrew University. TLSX. [67 733]. 1131. From Emil Ludwig Moscia, 2 May 1929 L. L. Whyte (see Abs. 789) needs money to formulate his ideas safely. Had a good im- pression of him, and AE’s appreciation confirmed it. Asks for a few words on him before looking for financial help. TLS. [23 448]. 1132. From Henry Writt Washington, 2 May 1929 In his attached manuscript ([48 829]), argues that “the basic logic of the ‘Uniform Field Theory’ which Einstein seeks will be found in Euclid.” ALS. [48 828]. 1133. From Eduard Einstein Zurich, 3 May 1929 Complains about a homework assignment on Schopenhauer. Is against education. Only history can give information on man. Asks for AE’s impressions on the child prodigy [Yehudi Menuhin]. Mileva is in Yugoslavia. Thanks for the care during his Berlin visit. Promises next time he will turn the lights off, and will not leave taps on. ALS. [144 486]. 1134. From Jakob Goldschmidt Berlin, 3 May 1929 Business matters prevented him from taking a stand on AE’s invitation (Abs. 1034). Is ready to join the honorary committee. TLS. [46 282]. 1135. To Tatiana Ehrenfest Berlin, 4 May 1929 Thanks for her (nonextant) letter. Happy that she is interested in his new pet topic. He is currently writing a summarizing review that he will send as soon as published. Asks whether Tatiana could use a teacher in Simferopol. She is a Russian woman astronomer, aged fifty, who is currently briefly in Germany. AKS. [10 283]. 1136. To Hugo A. Krüss [Berlin] 8 May 1929 Asks him to represent him at the meetings mentioned by Krüss in his (nonextant) letter of 2 May, because his health condition prevents AE from participating. TLC. [34 1.010]. 1137. To Oscar Mahler [Berlin,] 8 May 1929 In reply to Abs. 1128, when one discounts the very weak influence of the motion of the ship on its weight because of the weight’s dependence on the centrifugal force, the rota- tion of the Earth does not influence the ship’s speed. TLC. [25 161]. 1138. To Albert Thomas [Berlin,] 8 May 1929 In reply to Abs. 1129, informs that his health condition does not permit him to partici- pate in the session. Considers it practical to send another member to the commission. Proposes Kristine Bonnevie. Asks to discuss it with Oprescu. TLC. [34 1.012].