C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S M A Y 1 9 2 9 9 0 7 1139. From Sébastien Charléty Paris, 8 May 1929 The University of Paris has decided to confer an honorary doctorate on AE at a solemn session of 9 November 1929. Invites his family members as well. TLS. [30 245]. 1140. From Blackie & Son, Ltd. Glasgow, 9 May 1929 Referring to its letter of 25 March (nonextant), it received permission from the Prussian Academy of Sciences to print the English translation of Einstein 1928n (Doc. 216) and of Einstein 1929n (Doc. 365) in 1,000 copies. Attaches proofs. TLS. [45 610]. 1141. From Jewish National and University Library to Helen Dukas Jerusalem, 9 May 1929 In reply to Abs. 1130, the library accepts the offer. TLC. [67 732]. 1142. From Julien Luchaire [Paris,] 9 May 1929 Congratulates AE on his honorary degree from the University of Paris. TLC. [95 452]. 1143. From Alice Vanderbilt Morris [New York,] 9 May 1929 Has transmitted Doc. 514 to the Committee of the Research Corporation. TLS. [46 681]. 1144. From Albrecht Pahlke Brandenburg (Havel), 10 May 1929 As a forty-year-old agriculture specialist, was severely wounded during the war. Is now a short time worker in a burlap and sack factory. ALS. [47 792]. 1145. From Prussian Academy of Sciences Berlin, 11 May 1929 In response to a request by Blackie & Son, the PAW has authorized the translation of Einstein 1928n and 1929n (Docs. 216, 365) for free (see Abs. 1140). TLC. [97 036]. 1146. To Rector of University of Paris [Berlin,] 12 May 1929 Expresses thanks for the honor bestowed on him in Abs. 1139. Hopes to be able to attend the festive meeting on 9 November 1929 and bring his wife Elsa Einstein with him, who has never seen Paris. TLC. [30 246]. 1147. To Blackie & Son Ltd. [Berlin,] 15 May 1929 In response to Abs. 1140, repeats his refusal expressed in Abs. 1042 to grant permission to publish the two papers in English because these have been superseded by more recent papers. Nothing like it has happened to him before. TLC. [45 611]. 1148. From Hugo Bergmann Jerusalem, 16 May 1929 Encloses Bergmann 1929 prefaced by AE’s words (see Doc. 424 and Abs. 936). This book could not have been written except in Jerusalem, where he found the possibility of scholarly collaboration and a scientific atmosphere at the library and university that al- lowed him to keep up with research questions. TLC. [67 731]. 1149. From Research Corporation of New York New York, 17 May 1929 In accordance with AE’s letter to A. Vanderbilt Morris (Doc. 514), wired Sergei Hessen 2,000 M as loan to be repaid at his convenience. Tgm. [46 682]. 1150. From Rudolf Samuel Breslau, 17 May 1929 Requests information on how to apply for a position at the new Physical Institute at HU. Attaches list of publications, offprints, and recommendations. K. Blumenfeld can give information on his Zionism. TLS. [91 465]. 1151. From Blackie & Son, Ltd. Glasgow, 18 May 1929 In view of AE’s remarks in Abs. 1147 that the papers the firm had intended to publish in English had been superseded by later work, it drops this plan, even though it had re- ceived permission from the Prussian Academy and had incurred expenses of translation and typesetting. TLS. [45 612]. 1152. From Raschko Zaycoff Sofia, 20 May 1929 Requests a reprint of Einstein 1929dd (Doc. 459). He continues to work on an approach favoring Einstein’s approach. Maneff has recently published an antirelativity paper in Bulgaria. His position is difficult. ALS. [24 215].
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C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S M A Y 1 9 2 9 9 0 7 1139. From Sébastien Charléty Paris, 8 May 1929 The University of Paris has decided to confer an honorary doctorate on AE at a solemn session of 9 November 1929. Invites his family members as well. TLS. [30 245]. 1140. From Blackie & Son, Ltd. Glasgow, 9 May 1929 Referring to its letter of 25 March (nonextant), it received permission from the Prussian Academy of Sciences to print the English translation of Einstein 1928n (Doc. 216) and of Einstein 1929n (Doc. 365) in 1,000 copies. Attaches proofs. TLS. [45 610]. 1141. From Jewish National and University Library to Helen Dukas Jerusalem, 9 May 1929 In reply to Abs. 1130, the library accepts the offer. TLC. [67 732]. 1142. From Julien Luchaire [Paris,] 9 May 1929 Congratulates AE on his honorary degree from the University of Paris. TLC. [95 452]. 1143. From Alice Vanderbilt Morris [New York,] 9 May 1929 Has transmitted Doc. 514 to the Committee of the Research Corporation. TLS. [46 681]. 1144. From Albrecht Pahlke Brandenburg (Havel), 10 May 1929 As a forty-year-old agriculture specialist, was severely wounded during the war. Is now a short time worker in a burlap and sack factory. ALS. [47 792]. 1145. From Prussian Academy of Sciences Berlin, 11 May 1929 In response to a request by Blackie & Son, the PAW has authorized the translation of Einstein 1928n and 1929n (Docs. 216, 365) for free (see Abs. 1140). TLC. [97 036]. 1146. To Rector of University of Paris [Berlin,] 12 May 1929 Expresses thanks for the honor bestowed on him in Abs. 1139. Hopes to be able to attend the festive meeting on 9 November 1929 and bring his wife Elsa Einstein with him, who has never seen Paris. TLC. [30 246]. 1147. To Blackie & Son Ltd. [Berlin,] 15 May 1929 In response to Abs. 1140, repeats his refusal expressed in Abs. 1042 to grant permission to publish the two papers in English because these have been superseded by more recent papers. Nothing like it has happened to him before. TLC. [45 611]. 1148. From Hugo Bergmann Jerusalem, 16 May 1929 Encloses Bergmann 1929 prefaced by AE’s words (see Doc. 424 and Abs. 936). This book could not have been written except in Jerusalem, where he found the possibility of scholarly collaboration and a scientific atmosphere at the library and university that al- lowed him to keep up with research questions. TLC. [67 731]. 1149. From Research Corporation of New York New York, 17 May 1929 In accordance with AE’s letter to A. Vanderbilt Morris (Doc. 514), wired Sergei Hessen 2,000 M as loan to be repaid at his convenience. Tgm. [46 682]. 1150. From Rudolf Samuel Breslau, 17 May 1929 Requests information on how to apply for a position at the new Physical Institute at HU. Attaches list of publications, offprints, and recommendations. K. Blumenfeld can give information on his Zionism. TLS. [91 465]. 1151. From Blackie & Son, Ltd. Glasgow, 18 May 1929 In view of AE’s remarks in Abs. 1147 that the papers the firm had intended to publish in English had been superseded by later work, it drops this plan, even though it had re- ceived permission from the Prussian Academy and had incurred expenses of translation and typesetting. TLS. [45 612]. 1152. From Raschko Zaycoff Sofia, 20 May 1929 Requests a reprint of Einstein 1929dd (Doc. 459). He continues to work on an approach favoring Einstein’s approach. Maneff has recently published an antirelativity paper in Bulgaria. His position is difficult. ALS. [24 215].

