C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S A P R I L 1 9 2 9 9 0 5 1117. From Fritz Haber Baden Baden, 22 April 1929 Invites for a few weeks to an estate near Wurzbach. In addition to his relatives and ac- quaintances, Richard Willstätter and James Franck will also be there. Haber is there to treat his insomnia. Describes environment, excursion, and sailing possibilities. ALS. [12 358]. 1118. From Hans Hönlinger Müglitz, 22 April 1929 Attaches the letter of the minister of agriculture and his reply to it (see Abs. 1069). Ac- cording to the Trianon Peace Treaty, his retirement home was ceded to Italy. Because of his age and statelessness, he now has neither a job, nor a pension. ALS. [46 726]. 1119. From Franz Rusch Munich, 22 April 1929 When sending his birthday wishes, AE’s picture in the Berliner Illusrtierte reminds him of the musical evenings in Zurich where AE shared his simple supper of sausage (Schübling) and potato salad with him, a poor Assistent. Remembers the kite made by AE for his son, and how AE smoked the cigar from its other end “because that way it draws better.” Reminisces about Max Abraham’s visit to Zurich and their hike in the hills, followed by an evening in the Oepfelkammer, from whence they all wrote to Sommerfeld. Has a meager job that allows no time nor energy for research. ALS. [30 443]. 1120. To Franz Rusch [Berlin, after 22 April 1929] In reply to Abs. 1119, finds that the story of the draft horse fits him, too, with a gold har- ness. Would like to help Rusch. Suffers from heart disease. AKSX. [30 445]. 1121. Elsa Einstein to Arthur J. Kraus Berlin, 24 April 1929 AE is in Düsseldorf for a week and probably will be back 27 April. AE will express his thanks for the crystals presented. ALS. [84 293]. 1122. From Bund Deutscher Gebrauchsgraphiker [Berlin,] 24 April 1929 Solicits opinion on the introduction of a new font. The opinions already received are so diverse that AE’s opinion would be greatly appreciated. “In favor of Latin over Gothic” written in HD’s hand at the at the bottom of the document. TLS. [45 712]. 1123. From Charlotte Weigert Flühli-Ranft, Obwalden, 26 April 1929 Thanks AE for efforts to assist Sergei Tschachotin (Abs. 49). Attaches recommendation by August Kroh with the intention to ask for AE’s help again. Tschachotin was Assistent to Ivan Pavlov before the Russian Revolution, and now has begun cancer research at the Pharmacological Institute in Genoa under Alberico Benedicenti. ALS. [48 716]. 1124. To Richard von Mises [Berlin, 27 April 1929] Thanks for information on a student. Will ask family whether they can help him in sci- entific research. Is happy to have had a drink to his health with Philipp Frank. AKSf. [79 406]. 1125. From Maurice Sciaky New York City, 27 April 1929 Sends manuscript of an article on insolent and ridiculous statements of Cardinal William O’Connell ([38 275]). Its publication was refused by three journals. Also sends a copy of an article on a conversation with the cardinal, published in the Evening World ([48 274]). Had to interrupt his mathematical studies because of tuberculosis and multi- ple sclerosis. TLS. [48 273]. 1126. To Emma Flesch Berlin, 29 April 1929 Lately has been receiving many similar letters, and lacks the time and means to help. Proposes to find a rich person who would pay 100 M for AE’s autograph in this letter. ALSX. [46 205].
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Extracted Text (may have errors)

C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S A P R I L 1 9 2 9 9 0 5 1117. From Fritz Haber Baden Baden, 22 April 1929 Invites for a few weeks to an estate near Wurzbach. In addition to his relatives and ac- quaintances, Richard Willstätter and James Franck will also be there. Haber is there to treat his insomnia. Describes environment, excursion, and sailing possibilities. ALS. [12 358]. 1118. From Hans Hönlinger Müglitz, 22 April 1929 Attaches the letter of the minister of agriculture and his reply to it (see Abs. 1069). Ac- cording to the Trianon Peace Treaty, his retirement home was ceded to Italy. Because of his age and statelessness, he now has neither a job, nor a pension. ALS. [46 726]. 1119. From Franz Rusch Munich, 22 April 1929 When sending his birthday wishes, AE’s picture in the Berliner Illusrtierte reminds him of the musical evenings in Zurich where AE shared his simple supper of sausage (Schübling) and potato salad with him, a poor Assistent. Remembers the kite made by AE for his son, and how AE smoked the cigar from its other end “because that way it draws better.” Reminisces about Max Abraham’s visit to Zurich and their hike in the hills, followed by an evening in the Oepfelkammer, from whence they all wrote to Sommerfeld. Has a meager job that allows no time nor energy for research. ALS. [30 443]. 1120. To Franz Rusch [Berlin, after 22 April 1929] In reply to Abs. 1119, finds that the story of the draft horse fits him, too, with a gold har- ness. Would like to help Rusch. Suffers from heart disease. AKSX. [30 445]. 1121. Elsa Einstein to Arthur J. Kraus Berlin, 24 April 1929 AE is in Düsseldorf for a week and probably will be back 27 April. AE will express his thanks for the crystals presented. ALS. [84 293]. 1122. From Bund Deutscher Gebrauchsgraphiker [Berlin,] 24 April 1929 Solicits opinion on the introduction of a new font. The opinions already received are so diverse that AE’s opinion would be greatly appreciated. “In favor of Latin over Gothic” written in HD’s hand at the at the bottom of the document. TLS. [45 712]. 1123. From Charlotte Weigert Flühli-Ranft, Obwalden, 26 April 1929 Thanks AE for efforts to assist Sergei Tschachotin (Abs. 49). Attaches recommendation by August Kroh with the intention to ask for AE’s help again. Tschachotin was Assistent to Ivan Pavlov before the Russian Revolution, and now has begun cancer research at the Pharmacological Institute in Genoa under Alberico Benedicenti. ALS. [48 716]. 1124. To Richard von Mises [Berlin, 27 April 1929] Thanks for information on a student. Will ask family whether they can help him in sci- entific research. Is happy to have had a drink to his health with Philipp Frank. AKSf. [79 406]. 1125. From Maurice Sciaky New York City, 27 April 1929 Sends manuscript of an article on insolent and ridiculous statements of Cardinal William O’Connell ([38 275]). Its publication was refused by three journals. Also sends a copy of an article on a conversation with the cardinal, published in the Evening World ([48 274]). Had to interrupt his mathematical studies because of tuberculosis and multi- ple sclerosis. TLS. [48 273]. 1126. To Emma Flesch Berlin, 29 April 1929 Lately has been receiving many similar letters, and lacks the time and means to help. Proposes to find a rich person who would pay 100 M for AE’s autograph in this letter. ALSX. [46 205].

