D O C U M E N T 9 5 L O R E N T Z A N D C O O P E R AT I O N 1 8 5 ADftS. [16 620]. For the French publication of this document, see Einstein 1928k (Doc. 117). The German version was first published with minor textual variations in Einstein 1934b, pp. 25–29. [1] Einstein had promised the manuscript on 30 November 1927 (see Abs. 292). Its French transla- tion is dated “January 1928.” [2] The First Solvay Congress took place from 30 October to 3 November 1911 the second one, 27–31 October 1913. [3] On Lorentz’s general efforts to restore international relations among scientists and the re- admission of German scientists to international scientific organizations in particular, see, e.g., Hendrik A. Lorentz to Einstein, 20 December 1923 (Vol. 14, Doc. 180), Einstein to Robert A. Mil- likan, 1 September 1925, and Einstein to Adriaan Fokker, 21 October 1925 (Vol. 15, Docs. 58 and 93). See also Kox 2021. [4] On the establishment of the Conseil international de recherches, see Doc. 85, note 7. Lorentz was never part of the leadership of the Conseil, but he was at the forefront of efforts to have scientists of the Central Powers admitted (see, e.g., Schröder-Gudehus 1966, pp. 242–244). [5] For Einstein’s description of the resistance among German academics against the efforts to admit them to the Conseil, see Einstein to Hendrik A. Lorentz, 12 April 1926 (Vol. 15, Doc. 254). [6] The exclusion clause was repealed unanimously at an extraordinary assembly of the Conseil in Brussels in June 1926 (see Schröder-Gudehus 1973, pp. 110–111). [7] Henri Bergson. The ICIC was created in September 1921 and started its activities in August 1922. In May 1922, Einstein accepted an invitation to become a member, but he resigned in the spring of 1923. Lorentz took his place. A little over a year later, Einstein rejoined the committee (see Vol. 13, Introduction, pp. liv–lvi, and Vol. 14, Introduction, pp. lxii–lxiii). [8] Lorentz was appointed chairman at the seventh session of the ICIC in January 1926. He replaced Bergson, who had resigned in August 1925 (see Vossische Zeitung, 15 January 1926, ME). [9] The International Institute of Intellectual Cooperation in Paris.