2 0 6 D O C . 1 10 O N T H E J E W I S H T E L E G R A P H I C A G E N C Y 110. On the Jewish Telegraphic Agency[1] Einstein 19281 D ated 27 December 1927 Published 21 February 1928 In: Jewish Daily Bulletin, 21 February 1928, p. 37. Tuesday, Feb. 21, 1928. JEW ISH D A ILY CHIEF RABBIS OF ENGLAND A JEWISH LEADERS 1 Emphasize Value of Service for Protectin Point to Univers Some of the outstanding Jewish leaders in England, France, Germany and other European countries, who are readers of the "Jewish Daily Bul- letin,” have been unstinting in their praise of the universal, impartial and objective news service rendered by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency and the “Bulletin” in their congratulatory mes- sages on the occasion of the one thousandth issue of the “Jewish Daily Bulletin.” P R O F E S S O R A L B E R T E IN - S T E IN , declared: “I value the Jew- ish Telegraphic Agency because of the objectivity and speed of its news serv- ice and because of its being a symptom and support for Jewish unity.” R A B B I J. H. H E R T Z , C hief Rabbi H O N . L T A G U , Li London.-—* the 1,000th the ‘Jewisl In so f ate record parts of 1 very usefi are found paper does ance.” P R O F . : sian Jew ia would hav lication su letin’ and Jewish de turies, it v deal of ef Published in Jewish Daily Bulletin, 21 February 1928, p. 37, under the title “Chief Rabbis of England and France, Outstanding European Jewish Leaders Laud ‘Bulletin’s’ Policy.” Other prominent con- tributors were the chief rabbis of England and France, Joseph Hertz and Israel Levi the historian Simon Dubnow and the leading Zionists Frederick H. Kisch and Vladimir Jabotinsky, Also published in The Palestine Bulletin, 21 March 1928, p. 2. [1]See Doc. 111 for annotation.
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Extracted Text (may have errors)

2 0 6 D O C . 1 10 O N T H E J E W I S H T E L E G R A P H I C A G E N C Y 110. On the Jewish Telegraphic Agency[1] Einstein 19281 D ated 27 December 1927 Published 21 February 1928 In: Jewish Daily Bulletin, 21 February 1928, p. 37. Tuesday, Feb. 21, 1928. JEW ISH D A ILY CHIEF RABBIS OF ENGLAND A JEWISH LEADERS 1 Emphasize Value of Service for Protectin Point to Univers Some of the outstanding Jewish leaders in England, France, Germany and other European countries, who are readers of the "Jewish Daily Bul- letin,” have been unstinting in their praise of the universal, impartial and objective news service rendered by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency and the “Bulletin” in their congratulatory mes- sages on the occasion of the one thousandth issue of the “Jewish Daily Bulletin.” P R O F E S S O R A L B E R T E IN - S T E IN , declared: “I value the Jew- ish Telegraphic Agency because of the objectivity and speed of its news serv- ice and because of its being a symptom and support for Jewish unity.” R A B B I J. H. H E R T Z , C hief Rabbi H O N . L T A G U , Li London.-—* the 1,000th the ‘Jewisl In so f ate record parts of 1 very usefi are found paper does ance.” P R O F . : sian Jew ia would hav lication su letin’ and Jewish de turies, it v deal of ef Published in Jewish Daily Bulletin, 21 February 1928, p. 37, under the title “Chief Rabbis of England and France, Outstanding European Jewish Leaders Laud ‘Bulletin’s’ Policy.” Other prominent con- tributors were the chief rabbis of England and France, Joseph Hertz and Israel Levi the historian Simon Dubnow and the leading Zionists Frederick H. Kisch and Vladimir Jabotinsky, Also published in The Palestine Bulletin, 21 March 1928, p. 2. [1]See Doc. 111 for annotation.

