D O C . 1 0 9 N E W Y E A R ’ S W I S H E S F O R 1 9 2 8 2 0 5 109. New Year’s Wishes for 1928[1] “Was prophezeien und wünschen Sie für 1928? Eine Neujahrsrundfrage” [Einstein 1928h] Dated 24 December 1927[2] Published 2 January 1928 In: Der Montag Morgen, 2 January 1928, p. 3. Ich prophezeie für 1928 einen Reichswehr-Etat von 1 1/2 Milliarden und wünsche einen von 1/4 Milliarde.[3] Published in Der Montag Morgen, 2 January 1928, p. 3. A TLS addressed to [Heinz] Ludwig[g], 24 December 1927 [78 144] is also available, and includes the following line that precedes the pub- lished quote: “Ich stelle Ihnen für den ‘Montag-Morgen’ folgende Aeusserung zur Verfügung:”. [1] The republican-democratic newspaper also published the contributions of numerous other Ger- man and international celebrities, including Heinrich Mann, Charlie Chaplin, Max Pallenberg, and Buster Keaton. [2] Dated by the date of the TLS version. [3] The official German military expenditures for the year 1927 had been 769 million RM and would increase to 827 million in 1928 (see Hantke and Spoerer 2010, p. 857).