D O C . 4 5 3 E I N S T E I N O N U L M 6 5 1 453. “Professor Einstein and Ulm” “Professor Einstein und Ulm” [Einstein 1929q] Dated 18 March 1929[1] Published 20 March 1929 In: Ulmer Abendpost 6, no. 67 (20 March 1929): [7]. Index marker Index endnote marker Index n shorttitle marker LitCit Published in Ulmer Abendpost 6, No. 67 (20 March 1929): [7]. Einstein sent an identical typed ver- sion of his statement in Abs. 1033. [1] Dated by the TLS version (see Abs. 1033). [2] Einstein was born in Ulm on 14 March 1879. [2]