8 0 4 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S J U N E 1 9 2 7 1. To René Fülöp-Miller (Philip Müller) [Berlin,] 1 June 1927 Thanks for his book Fülöp-Miller 1927a (see Vol. 15, Abs. 831). TLC. [46 337]. 2. From Georges Oprescu Geneva, 1 June 1927 Informs that H. Wright, member of subcommission on bibliography, has resigned. A re- placement member should be nominated at the next meeting. TLS. [82 840]. 3. From Martha Freund-Hoppe (Sächsisches Friedenskartell) Dresden, 2 June 1927 Invites AE to speak at rally on international reconciliation and against war on 11 Sep- tember at the Sarrasani circus in Dresden. TLS. [48 246]. 4. From Wolfgang Windelband Berlin, 2 June 1927 Sends a list of publications by the physicist H. Senftleben from Marburg. TLS. [48 295]. 5. To Heinrich Firmbach [Berlin,] 4 June 1927 In response to Vol. 15, Abs. 863, informs that Firmbach’s paper lacks scientific merit be- cause of lack of clarity and evidential arguments. TLC. [46 192]. 6. To History of Science Society [Berlin,] 4 June 1927 Although his letter to Mrs. Whitney-Newcomb contains nothing scientifically worth communicating, in response to Vol. 15, Abs. 856, agrees to its publication if it corre- sponds to her wishes. TLS [74 915]. 7. To Joseph Langer-Verlag [Berlin,] 4 June 1927 In reply to Vol. 15, Abs. 833, regrets being unable to comply with its request. TLC. [47 340]. 8. To Hermann Senftleben [Berlin,] 4 June 1927 Requests reprints of his most pertinent publications. TLC. [48 298]. 9. From Paul Ehrenfest Leyden, 5 June 1927 The Fifth Solvay Congress will take place 24–29 October. Requests that AE inform him whether he intends to spend a few days in Leyden, preferably before going to Brussels. TTrL. [10 164.2]. 10. From Moritz Schlick Vienna, 5 June 1927 Requests that AE meet with a student of his from Palestine, Miss Rosenberg, who is rais- ing funds for a children’s home. He is having difficulty staying abreast of developments in physics. Schrödinger, whose interpretation he has heard AE does not approve of, re- cently lectured in Vienna. He is involved with the new logic (Frege, Russell, Wittgen- stein), which he admires and expects to cause a great change in philosophy. TLS. [21 596]. 11. From Erwin Finlay Freundlich Potsdam, 8 June 1927 Requests approval to appoint Johannes Picht, a student of M. von Laue, as a scientific collaborator at the Astrophysical Observatory. TLS. [11 292]. 12. From the President of the ICIC Geneva, 8 June 1927 The meeting of the plenary session of the ICIC will begin on 22 July instead of 20 July in order to accommodate the participation of R. A. Millikan. TLC. [82 827]. 13. From Hugo A. Krüss [Berlin,] before 9 June 1927 Reports on the last day of the session of the steering committee of the IIIC (30–31 May 1927). ADftL. [95 905]. 14. From Ernst Lipmann Burglehn-Raudten (Rudna, Poland), 10 June 1927 Subsequent to their conversation at the Rosenheim home, invites AE and Elsa for an ex- tended stay at his modest estate. TLS. [47 518].
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