C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S S E P T E M B E R 1 9 2 7 8 1 5 120. From Alfred Apfel Berlin, 9 September 1927 In his capacity as defender of Max Hoelz, he has asked the Erich Reiss Verlag to send AE a copy of Kisch 1927. Requests that AE write a book review. TLS. [46 703]. 121. To Joseph Chapiro Berlin, 11 September 1927 On behalf of AE, his secretary E. Sieradz informs that he has sent a letter to Chapiro to Bansin, on the Baltic, two weeks ago and is surprised that it did not arrive. Sends a copy of the letter and an enclosure for his attention. TLC. [45 741]. 122. To Alfred Einstein [Berlin,] 11 September 1927 AE’s secretary sends a letter incorrectly addressed to him. They were amused to find that AE was appointed to the Berliner Tageblatt. They send congratulations and apologies for opening the letter in error. TLC. [37 672]. 123.To Ayao Kuwaki Berlin, 11 September 1927 In reply to Abs. 95, would be happy to see him. TLSX. [47 332.1]. 124. To Johannes Otto Berlin, 11 September 1927 In reply to Abs. 99, cannot comment on the prehistoric find. But it is certain that current astronomical precision allows extrapolations back to 4,000 years in the past. Such a large change of the ratio of the year divided by days as Otto proposes is out of the ques- tion. These matters have nothing to do with the theory of relativity. TLC. [47 784]. 125. To Moritz Schaefer Berlin, 11 September 1927 In reply to Abs. 108, agrees that B. Süsskind’s work deserves real support. But the necessary conditions do not apply (visit by a foreign institute director with whom the applicant would work). Has previous experience with such cases. Recommends an ap- plication to the Notgemeinschaft, and asks whether E. Abderhalden has been approached. Is willing to express support. TLC. [48 371]. 126. From Josef Weber Leipzig, 11 September 1927 AE’s willingness to assist Weber with an application to the Notgemeinschaft is very en- couraging. Needs instruments described in the attached (nonextant). W. Gerlach in Tübingen has offered him a position at the local observatory. Wishes to leave Leipzig, where he receives no support from J. Bauschinger and the principal observator F. Hayn. ALS. [23 287]. 127. From Henry Brose Nottingham,12 September 1927 Thanks for Abs. 97 and hopes to see AE in England. ALS. [45 678]. 128. From Arthur Felix London, 12 September 1927 Following up on earlier matters (see Abs. 105), sends copy of a paragraph from a letter by S[igismund] Peller, medical statistician at the Hadassah in Jerusalem, who, as non- baptized Jew, has been denied the possibility of a Habilitation at the University of Vienna. Because of the “known methods of the Kligler-Magnes-Bluestone group,” Peller is now leaving Palestine despite his very successful work. ALS. [36 982]. 129. From Marcus Kohn Dresden, 12 September 1927 Invites AE to lecture at the Jüdische Vereinigung Esra on 17 October. “Nein” is written in pencil in secretary’s hand at the top of the document. TLS. [46 139]. 130. From Leon Steinig Geneva, 12 [September] 1927 Has had success regarding unemployed intellectual workers at the International Student Service of the World’s Student Christian Federation conference 6–15 August 1927 in Schiers, Switzerland. Inquires whether AE is willing to speak at an event in Berlin in