8 1 4 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S S E P T E M B E R 1 9 2 7 unable owing to health reasons to accept the invitation to Johns Hopkins University. Moreover, his scientific work is already well known to specialists, and such a financial sacrifice on the part of the university would not be justified. TLC. [46 731]. 111. To Rollet de l’Isle Berlin, 7 September 1927 In reply to Abs. 86, is not competent to take a position in the association’s aims and re- fuses to accept the honorary position offered. TLC. [46 132]. 112. To Josef Melnik (Verlag von Reclams Universum) Berlin, 7 September 1927 Encloses the desired manuscript (see Einstein 1927p [Doc. 44]). The agreed-upon hon- orarium will be picked up by his secretary, E. Sieradz. TLCX. [5 069]. 113. To Zenith Verlag Berlin, 7 September 1927 In reply to Abs. 106, regrets being unable to collaborate on its project since he is over- loaded with work. TLC. [49 022]. 114. From Beatrice Jahn-Rusconi Besso Florence, 7 September 1927 Reminiscing about AE and M. Besso’s walks during their youth, when she tagged along, asks AE for an explanation of the force of gravitation. Believes its cause has something to do with the object’s heat. Asks whether all physical bodies, whether dead or alive, obey a single universal law. Has spent a wonderful day with Maja Einstein. In a post- script dated 15 September she asks (switching from German to French) about the motion of the solar system toward the constellation Hercules. ALS. [48 204] and [48 206]. 115. From Curt Hauschild (Grethlein & Co., Verlagsbuchhandlung) Leipzig, 7 September 1927 Reminds AE that they were neighbors at a table in Zuoz and that he discussed publishing matters with Margot Einstein. Proposes that AE either write an autobiography or con- tribute biographies of Copernicus, Newton, or Kepler. “Nein” is written in red pencil at the bottom of the document. TLS. [46 483]. 116. From Leo Kohn Frankfurt a. M, 7 September 1927 Before attending the Basel congress, informs that J. L. Magnes will meet C. Weizmann and S. Brodetsky there 8–11 September. Hopes to set the date for the meeting of the ac- ademic council for 21–23 October. Confirms what AE already knows regarding A. Felix (see Doc. 45) and I. Kligler (see Doc. 37). Encloses a new proposal by Magnes for changes to the Hebrew University’s constitution: replace the academic council with a number of foreign specialists the chancellor should become both academic and admin- istrative leader. Recommends AE write to F. M. Warburg. ALS. [36 960]. 117. From Rita von Gonzenbach Zurich, 8 September 1927 Requests advice and assistance in behalf of M. Mancuso, Naples, the son of a doctor, who would be well suited for a position as secretary at the League of Nations. ALS. [46 468]. 118. From Kampfbund gegen Kulturreaktion (Timpe) Berlin, den 8 September 1927 Circular letter decrying the absence of expected opposition among intellectual leaders to the recent reactionary state school bill draft that would reinstate clericalism. Requests a statement of protest be sent to city councilor F. Ausländer. TLS. [48 425]. 119. From Josef Melnik (Verlag von Reclams Universum) Berlin, 8 September 1927 Thanks for the manuscript (see Einstein 1927p [Doc. 44]) and regrets not being there to meet E. Sieradz (see Abs. 112). Will bring the honorarium in person to AE’s home on 9 September. Requests that AE sign the enclosed form. ALS. [48 069].
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Extracted Text (may have errors)

8 1 4 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S S E P T E M B E R 1 9 2 7 unable owing to health reasons to accept the invitation to Johns Hopkins University. Moreover, his scientific work is already well known to specialists, and such a financial sacrifice on the part of the university would not be justified. TLC. [46 731]. 111. To Rollet de l’Isle Berlin, 7 September 1927 In reply to Abs. 86, is not competent to take a position in the association’s aims and re- fuses to accept the honorary position offered. TLC. [46 132]. 112. To Josef Melnik (Verlag von Reclams Universum) Berlin, 7 September 1927 Encloses the desired manuscript (see Einstein 1927p [Doc. 44]). The agreed-upon hon- orarium will be picked up by his secretary, E. Sieradz. TLCX. [5 069]. 113. To Zenith Verlag Berlin, 7 September 1927 In reply to Abs. 106, regrets being unable to collaborate on its project since he is over- loaded with work. TLC. [49 022]. 114. From Beatrice Jahn-Rusconi Besso Florence, 7 September 1927 Reminiscing about AE and M. Besso’s walks during their youth, when she tagged along, asks AE for an explanation of the force of gravitation. Believes its cause has something to do with the object’s heat. Asks whether all physical bodies, whether dead or alive, obey a single universal law. Has spent a wonderful day with Maja Einstein. In a post- script dated 15 September she asks (switching from German to French) about the motion of the solar system toward the constellation Hercules. ALS. [48 204] and [48 206]. 115. From Curt Hauschild (Grethlein & Co., Verlagsbuchhandlung) Leipzig, 7 September 1927 Reminds AE that they were neighbors at a table in Zuoz and that he discussed publishing matters with Margot Einstein. Proposes that AE either write an autobiography or con- tribute biographies of Copernicus, Newton, or Kepler. “Nein” is written in red pencil at the bottom of the document. TLS. [46 483]. 116. From Leo Kohn Frankfurt a. M, 7 September 1927 Before attending the Basel congress, informs that J. L. Magnes will meet C. Weizmann and S. Brodetsky there 8–11 September. Hopes to set the date for the meeting of the ac- ademic council for 21–23 October. Confirms what AE already knows regarding A. Felix (see Doc. 45) and I. Kligler (see Doc. 37). Encloses a new proposal by Magnes for changes to the Hebrew University’s constitution: replace the academic council with a number of foreign specialists the chancellor should become both academic and admin- istrative leader. Recommends AE write to F. M. Warburg. ALS. [36 960]. 117. From Rita von Gonzenbach Zurich, 8 September 1927 Requests advice and assistance in behalf of M. Mancuso, Naples, the son of a doctor, who would be well suited for a position as secretary at the League of Nations. ALS. [46 468]. 118. From Kampfbund gegen Kulturreaktion (Timpe) Berlin, den 8 September 1927 Circular letter decrying the absence of expected opposition among intellectual leaders to the recent reactionary state school bill draft that would reinstate clericalism. Requests a statement of protest be sent to city councilor F. Ausländer. TLS. [48 425]. 119. From Josef Melnik (Verlag von Reclams Universum) Berlin, 8 September 1927 Thanks for the manuscript (see Einstein 1927p [Doc. 44]) and regrets not being there to meet E. Sieradz (see Abs. 112). Will bring the honorarium in person to AE’s home on 9 September. Requests that AE sign the enclosed form. ALS. [48 069].

