8 1 6 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S S E P T E M B E R 1 9 2 7 behalf of intellectual workers to the Kommission für geistige Arbeiter des Arbeitsamtes (this request is struck though in pencil, most likely by AE’s secretary). Has picked up the documents and books that AE has left at his hotel and is mailing them. ALS. [34 961]. 131. To Walther Gerlach Berlin, 13 September 1927 In reference to Abs. 126, wishes to put in a good word in behalf of J. Weber, a zealous and capable man. TLCX. [23 288]. 132. To Rita von Gonzenbach Berlin, 13 September 1927 In reply to Abs. 117, recommends that she contact G. de Reynold, who has “good con- nections to the fascist heroes.” He himself doesn’t possess the talent and connections needed to assist in this request. TLC. [46 469]. 133. To Grethlein & Co., Verlagsbuchhandlung Berlin, 13 September 1927 In reply to Abs. 115, regrets being unable to comply with the firm’s request owing to overwork. TLC. [46 484]. 134. From Victor Hugo Heermann Giessen, 13 September 1927 Reminds that AE had intervened in his behalf many years ago (see Abs. 241). Has been a teacher of vocal music in Frankfurt and Giessen, and now wishes to apply to the posi- tion of director at the Giessen Stadtheater. Requests a recommendation. ALS. [46 606]. 135. From Gotthold Mamlock Berlin, 14 September 1927 On behalf of editor-in-chief Th. Wolff, with whom AE had a conversation about causal- ity and related topics during a trip, requests an appointment with AE. Wolff would like Mamlock, member of the scientific section of the Berliner Tageblatt, to write a popular article on this subject. TLS. [47 590]. 136. From Leo Kohn Grünewald, 15 September 1927 Reports on meetings between Magnes, Weizmann, Brodetsky, Eder, and himself in Basel over a period of two days. Magnes insists on expanding his control over both ad- ministrative and academic matters of the Hebrew University. ALS. [36 959]. 137. From The Forum New York, 16 September 1927 H. G. Leach, editor, requests AE’s participation on an international jury of specialists who are associated with the Francis Bacon Award for the Humanizing of Knowledge, a literary contest sponsored by Simon and Schuster. The best book in any field of knowl- edge will be published by Simon and Schuster, and the winner will be awarded $7,500. Points out that the debate between Ch. L. Poor and A. Henderson on relativity was pub- lished in The Forum in 1924. The jury includes J. H. Breasted, E. G. Conklin, J. Dewey, V. L. Kellogg, F. J. Mather, H. F. Osborn, H. Shapley, and W. M. Wheeler. Offers a suit- able honorarium for each manuscript read. Encloses award announcement, submission rules and procedures, and nomination forms. TLS. [46 222–46 224]. 138. From Rudolf Lämmel Dornburg a. S., 17 September 1927 Requests permission to dedicate his book on relativity to AE. Sends proofs and says that such a dedication would distinguish his book from the many others published each year. TLS. [15 019]. 139. From Léon Lichtenstein Villars sur Ollon, 18 September 1927 Regrets having led to any pressure on AE regarding A. Wintner. Understands that AE now has a commitment to Dr. M (?). Reports on beautiful work by Wintner. ALS. [47 445].