C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S S E P T E M B E R 1 9 2 7 8 1 7 140. From Johannes Otto Bleicherode, 19 September 1927 With thanks for Abs. 124, insists on explaining in detail his arguments against the Copernican system, in a planned work titled “Die Bewegungen der Erde und die daraus resultierenden Bewegungen der Himmelskörper.” ALS. [47 785]. 141. From Lina Gutherz Straus New York, 19 September 1927 In response to Doc. 67, informs that her husband N. Straus is not in good health. AE is mistaken in the matter of Hadassah, which is well managed under Ms. Henrietta Szold and Dr. Ephraim M. Bluestone. TLS. [36 955]. 142. To Drei Masken-Verlag Berlin, 20 September 1927 After having read manuscript of Russell 1928 has decided not to write a foreword to it. TLC. [46 064]. 143. To Victor Hugo Heermann Berlin, 20 September 1927 In reply to Abs. 134, regrets being unable to evaluate Heermann’s qualifications in com- parison to those of other candidates for the position. TLC. [46 607]. 144. To Marcus Kohn Berlin, 20 September 1927 Owing to lack of time is unable to accept the invitation extended in Abs. 129. TLC. [46 140]. 145. To Rudolf Lämmel Berlin, 20 September 1927 Would have gladly accepted the dedication if the book had not contained opinions on the theory of relativity and Kantian philosophy that do not correspond to the facts at all, and he does not wish to be associated with. TLC. [15 020]. 146. From Beatrice Jahn-Rusconi Besso [Florence, after 20 September 1927] In reply to Doc. 58, sends a long letter (the opening pages of which may be nonextant). Queries Einstein’s remarks on gravitation, as she believes burning bodies (perhaps stars) must have a greater attraction than other masses. Draws connections between mass, force, the soul, the body, and God, and inquires as to their finite or infinite dimensions. What does AE mean when he says the world is finite? For her, life is the rhythmic move- ment of love. Will visit M. Besso in Bern, and then travel to Milan and Paris, where she can breathe better. ALS. [48 205] and [48 206]. 147. From Bamag-Meguin A. G. [Berlin,] 21 September 1927 With reference to Vol. 15, Abs. 634 regarding the production of refrigerators, informs that since no final results of practical tests have been received by the company, it will not send out notifications of the pending patent to foreign countries before the expiration date of their agreement, 1 October 1927. TLS [35 571]. 148. From Carl Willig Berlin, 21 September 1927 Referring to an earlier letter (nonextant), reiterates his prediction that the solar eclipse of 29 June 1927 would cause an epidemic of infant paralysis. While in Geneva two months earlier, he had handed AE’s wife [probably Margot Einstein] some glass test tubes that change color with light. Now indeed the epidemic has started, in Romania, and he requests AE’s assistance in warning against it and in asking that autopsies be carried out on the brains of deceased children. ALS. [48 794]. 149. From Rudolf Lämmel Dornburg a. S., 22 September 1927 In reply to Abs. 145, requests that AE change his mind. Suspects that AE objects to com- ments on pp. 15 and 16, and therefore sends changes that might be acceptable. Mentions that the science editor of the Frankfurter Zeitung, Dr. Robert Drill, is a typical Kantian.
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