8 1 8 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S S E P T E M B E R 1 9 2 7 The Neue Zürcher Zeitung is also negative. He was told in Würzburg in 1922 that a rel- ativist will not be allowed to obtain the Habilitation. Requests that AE recommend any changes or deletions that would allow him to dedicate the book to AE. Wishes to obtain the Habilitation in the pedagogy of methods and history of science in Jena or Leipzig. TLS. [15 022]. Encloses [15 023] for details. 150. To Hans Albert Einstein Berlin, 24 September 1927 Encloses the employee questionnaire sent to AE from Siemens & Halske, Berlin [75 749] at the recommendation of W. Schottky. The company indeed is looking for con- crete construction engineers. Recommends that Hans Albert complete the questionnaire and obtain a letter of reference from one of his teachers at the ETH. ALS. [75 750]. Envelope is [75 750.1]. 151. To Johannes Otto Berlin, 24 September 1927 Recommends that Otto keep the false opinions expressed in Abs. 140 to himself so as to prevent damage to Otto’s professional career. TLC. [47 786]. 152. From Leo Kohn Frankfurt a. M., 24 September 1927 In reply to Doc. 59, requests confidentially that AE write a new copy of the letter, omit- ting mention of the letter to F. M. Warburg, or, even more effectively, that AE write directly to C. Weizmann to the effect that AE’s decision can be shared with all con- cerned, especially Warburg. ALS. [36 965]. 153. From Ligue Internationale contre l’Impérialisme et pour l’Indépendance Nationale Paris, 25 September 1927 Secretary L. Gibarti informs that following the successful first congress of the League in Brussels in 1926, work in behalf of colonial oppressed countries needs to continue. To this end, the League is issuing an urgent invitation to a meeting of the general council on 6 December 1927 in Paris to discuss with leaders of local national and workers’ movements the most pressing issues. TL. [47 453]. 154. From Gesellschaft der Freunde des Neuen Russland Berlin-Pankow, 26 September 1927 On the tenth anniversary of the Soviet Union, the magazine Das Neue Russland intends to publish a special issue dedicated to German-Russian relations and requests a written contribution by AE. TLS. [48 210]. 155. From Leo Kohn London, 26 September 1927 On behalf of the president of the Hebrew University, invites AE to a meeting of the ac- ademic council of the BOGHU on 13 November 1927 in Berlin. The main topic of the deliberations will be the relationship of research and teaching in the further development of the university. The agenda will be sent soon. TLS. [36 966]. 156. From Landes-Wohlfahrts- und Jugendamt (Benecke) Berlin, 26 September 1927 Circular letter informing that 2,300 M is available for the Zeitler-Studienhaus-Zusatz- Stiftung. Requests proposals for prize questions. TLS. [49 007]. 157. From Beatrice Jahn-Rusconi Besso Florence, 27–30 September 1927 Thanks for Doc. 58. Is grateful that he doesn’t think her crazy, as others do, but regrets his dismissing her reflections. Her religious views are different from those of Maja Einstein, who loves God more than people, whereas she loves people more than God. AE loves truth more than anything else, and that is a love of God, too. Requests concrete answers to the questions: will the Earth fall into the Sun or more probably the entire solar system into the Milky Way? What is equilibrium? What is the connection between com- bustions and electricity? When does combustion produce light without heat? Or vice versa? ALS. [48 208]. 158. To Rudolf Lämmel Berlin, 28 September 1927 Agrees in principle to change his mind and accept a dedication on condition that the changes indicated in Abs. 149 are actually made and that the dedication, which should
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8 1 8 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S S E P T E M B E R 1 9 2 7 The Neue Zürcher Zeitung is also negative. He was told in Würzburg in 1922 that a rel- ativist will not be allowed to obtain the Habilitation. Requests that AE recommend any changes or deletions that would allow him to dedicate the book to AE. Wishes to obtain the Habilitation in the pedagogy of methods and history of science in Jena or Leipzig. TLS. [15 022]. Encloses [15 023] for details. 150. To Hans Albert Einstein Berlin, 24 September 1927 Encloses the employee questionnaire sent to AE from Siemens & Halske, Berlin [75 749] at the recommendation of W. Schottky. The company indeed is looking for con- crete construction engineers. Recommends that Hans Albert complete the questionnaire and obtain a letter of reference from one of his teachers at the ETH. ALS. [75 750]. Envelope is [75 750.1]. 151. To Johannes Otto Berlin, 24 September 1927 Recommends that Otto keep the false opinions expressed in Abs. 140 to himself so as to prevent damage to Otto’s professional career. TLC. [47 786]. 152. From Leo Kohn Frankfurt a. M., 24 September 1927 In reply to Doc. 59, requests confidentially that AE write a new copy of the letter, omit- ting mention of the letter to F. M. Warburg, or, even more effectively, that AE write directly to C. Weizmann to the effect that AE’s decision can be shared with all con- cerned, especially Warburg. ALS. [36 965]. 153. From Ligue Internationale contre l’Impérialisme et pour l’Indépendance Nationale Paris, 25 September 1927 Secretary L. Gibarti informs that following the successful first congress of the League in Brussels in 1926, work in behalf of colonial oppressed countries needs to continue. To this end, the League is issuing an urgent invitation to a meeting of the general council on 6 December 1927 in Paris to discuss with leaders of local national and workers’ movements the most pressing issues. TL. [47 453]. 154. From Gesellschaft der Freunde des Neuen Russland Berlin-Pankow, 26 September 1927 On the tenth anniversary of the Soviet Union, the magazine Das Neue Russland intends to publish a special issue dedicated to German-Russian relations and requests a written contribution by AE. TLS. [48 210]. 155. From Leo Kohn London, 26 September 1927 On behalf of the president of the Hebrew University, invites AE to a meeting of the ac- ademic council of the BOGHU on 13 November 1927 in Berlin. The main topic of the deliberations will be the relationship of research and teaching in the further development of the university. The agenda will be sent soon. TLS. [36 966]. 156. From Landes-Wohlfahrts- und Jugendamt (Benecke) Berlin, 26 September 1927 Circular letter informing that 2,300 M is available for the Zeitler-Studienhaus-Zusatz- Stiftung. Requests proposals for prize questions. TLS. [49 007]. 157. From Beatrice Jahn-Rusconi Besso Florence, 27–30 September 1927 Thanks for Doc. 58. Is grateful that he doesn’t think her crazy, as others do, but regrets his dismissing her reflections. Her religious views are different from those of Maja Einstein, who loves God more than people, whereas she loves people more than God. AE loves truth more than anything else, and that is a love of God, too. Requests concrete answers to the questions: will the Earth fall into the Sun or more probably the entire solar system into the Milky Way? What is equilibrium? What is the connection between com- bustions and electricity? When does combustion produce light without heat? Or vice versa? ALS. [48 208]. 158. To Rudolf Lämmel Berlin, 28 September 1927 Agrees in principle to change his mind and accept a dedication on condition that the changes indicated in Abs. 149 are actually made and that the dedication, which should

