C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S O C T O B E R 1 9 2 7 8 2 3 204. To Émile Meyerson [Berlin,] 15 October 1927 In response to Abs. 191, was of the opinion that his criticism (Doc. 6) had already been published together with Meyerson’s remarks [91 240], and that the manuscript he had received was for his archive. Sends back the manuscript of Einstein 1928e (Doc. 152) with the permission to publish together with Meyerson’s remarks. TLSX. [91 249]. 205. To Georges Oprescu [Berlin,] 15 October 1927 H. A. Krüss, with whom he has discussed in detail all the upcoming issues, will represent AE at the Paris meeting of the steering committee of IIIC. TLS. [84 640]. 206. To Géza Schichtanz [Berlin,] 15 October 1927 Addresses Schichtanz’s misunderstandings regarding simultaneity (see Abs. 188). Judg- ments about simultaneity depend on the state of motion of the observer. The future and the past are equally real in a four-dimensional world and have nothing to do with cau- sality. TLS. [88 707]. 207. To J. Vinkenborg [Berlin,] 15 October 1927 In reply to Abs. 198, it is incorrect that he spends time in Delft, and is therefore unable to lecture in Utrecht. TLC. [48 657]. 208. From Walther Gerlach Tübingen, 15 October 1927 In reply to Abs. 131, thanks AE for recommending J. Weber. Believes Weber is the right man for the position in astronomy in Tübingen. Weber would have a small but good ob- servatory. They hope to begin its construction in winter. TLS. [23 290]. 209. From Fernand Maurette Berlin, 15 October 1927 Recommends the young philosopher Jean Cavaillès, who is interested in probability cal- culus and is in need of advice and references for libraries. A. Thomas and he are very grateful for the recent visit with AE and look forward to seeing him in Brussels on 19 December for the start of their committee sessions. TLS. [45 737]. 210. From Israel Malkin Charlottenburg, l6 October 1927 Has the answer to the question of why the Weierstrass condition is an insufficient crite- rion for the minimum (maximum). Feels he had a duty to report to AE his disagreements with Felix Deutsch at the AEG. TLS. [47 579]. 211. From Lina Gutherz Straus New York, 18 October 1927 In reply to AE’s letter of 5 October (nonextant), is pleased that his criticism only referred to the matter of Arthur Felix (see Abs. 128). Her husband, Nathan Straus, is recovered. TLS. [36 958]. 212. To Josef Hertzka [Berlin,] 19 October 1927 Has heard (see Abs. 199) that Hertzka had made a discovery. Offers to examine it. TLC. [46 668]. 213. To Georges Oprescu [Berlin,] 19 October 1927 In reply to Abs. 200, will be very glad to be represented by Kristine Bonnevie in the Steering Commission of Intellectual Workers. TLS. [84 651]. 214. From Hans Wagner Lambrecht (Pfalz), 20 October 1927 Encloses a summary of a new theory of gravitation produced by the local master dyer Hartweck. TLS. [25 102]. 215. From Zionist Organisation [London,] 21 October 1927 The meeting of the academic council of the Hebrew University planned in Berlin for 13 November has to be postponed because no U.S. representatives could attend only one member from Palestine, and not all European members, could attend. TLC. [91 448].
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