8 3 0 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S N O V E M B E R 1 9 2 7 280. From Adolf Gerson Berlin-Pankow, 24 November 1927 Asks for comment on his paper on temperature variations at the equator. Assumes that places at the equator may cool down by at least 70 C if their heat exchange is in equi- librium. Wishes to publish on their biological implications. ALS. [25 084]. 281. From Edith Reiss-Einstein Zurich, 24 November 1927 Requests AE’s help in obtaining a teaching position for herself and for her fiancé at the newly established school in Geneva that is intended to educate the children of employ- ees of the League of Nations in the internationalist, pacifist spirit of the League. Will soon send a book by her fiancée, an introduction to tensor analysis, with special empha- sis on its application in the theory of relativity. ALS. [46 088]. 282. From Anton Blümel Berlin, 25 November 1927 Wishes to discuss his findings regarding simple equations for the determination of the path of the Moon and planets based on AE’s theory of relativity. “Ja…” is written in Sieradz’s hand at the bottom of the document. ALS. [45 616]. 283. From Dammerts World Service Berlin, 25 November 1927 For a special Christmas issue of numerous newspapers, the service is seeking a contri- bution on the importance of world peace. “Nein” is written in reply in HD’s hand at the bottom of the document. TLS. [46 011]. 284. To Anton Blümel [Berlin,] 26 November 1927 In reply to Abs. 282, invites Blümel to his home for 30 November or 3 December in the morning 10 A.M.–2 P.M. Advises him to state that he is coming on scientific matters, otherwise he will have difficulties being admitted to his home. TLC. [45 618]. 285. From Max Bergmann Wadewitz, 27 November 1927 Sends an essay on the movement of smoke in a smokestack, and on the rotation of the Earth and planets, calculating their horsepower equivalent. Considers these results de- serving of several Nobel Prizes. ALS. [45 574]. 286. From Anton Blümel Berlin, 27 November 1927 In reply to Abs. 284, will visit AE on 3 December around 11 A.M. ALS. [45 619]. 287. From Heinrich Loewe to Elsa Einstein Berlin, 27 November 1927 Hoping that her daughter is feeling better, inquires whether he can send boxes soon and whether a young man could pack the books (see Abs. 256). TTrLX. [120 987]. 288. To Max Bergmann [Berlin,] 28 November 1927 He had thought that Bergmann’s earlier question about the smokestack was a joke. In reply to Abs. 285, explains that the centrifugal force acts not only on the air in the smokestack but also outside the smokestack. It cannot account for the air movement. TLC. [45 575]. 289. From Harold W. Thirlkeld [Appleton, Wisc.,] 28 November 1927 Requests a statement on the value of a liberal higher education, to be sent by Lawrence College, Appleton, Wisconsin, to boys and girls who are considering a college education as pre-vocational preparation. TLS. [47 361]. 290. From Konzert-Direktion Hans Adler Berlin, 29 November 1927 A scientist who can also be a good administrator is sought for the Hanover planetarium requests a recommendation. TLS. [47 389]. 291. To Dammerts World Service [Berlin,] 30 November 1927 In reply to Abs. 283, is unfortunately unable to oblige owing to an overload of work. TLC. [46 012].
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