C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S N O V E M B E R 1 9 2 7 8 2 9 270. To Smithsonian Institution [Berlin,] 15 November 1927 Consents to the publication of the English translation of Einstein 1927k (Vol. 15, Doc. 503) which had been published in the Manchester Guardian on 19 March 1927. TLC. [48 354]. 271. To Leon Steinig Berlin, 15 November 1927 In reply to Abs. 264, has been aware of the December date, at which Kristine Bonnevie will represent him. TLC. [34 968]. 272. From Bund Entschiedener Schulreformer Berlin, 17 November 1927 Requests signature of AE as member of the Bund to an appeal in honor of fiftieth birth- day of their chairman, Paul Oestreich. TLS. [48 428]. 273. From Andor Fodor Jerusalem, 17 November 1927 In reply to AE’s (nonextant) letter, has meager knowledge of the fusion of Hebrew Uni- versity and Hadassah. Practicing clinicians are apparently being preferred over research physicians for chairs in a medical faculty. Depressed by hearing of AE’s plan to quit. At- tributes the situation to lack of loyalty to AE, a typical Jewish characteristic with roots in lack of respect for each other, which also explains the A. Felix case. Criticizes report by Adler, Horovitz, Brodetsky, and Ornstein saying a biochemist cannot teach other branches of chemistry. His only hope is a university council under AE’s leadership. ALS. [36 989]. 274. To Anna Ludwig Berlin, 19 November 1927 Owing to an oversight, her letter (Abs. 47) only reached him now. Recommends that she use a 50 cm cardboard tube, and that she speak softly into it close to the listener. TLC. [47 551]. A draft in AE’s hand is available at the bottom of p. 2 of Abs. 47 [47 549]. 275. From Hans Adolf Oberth Berlin, 19 November 1927 A physician in Medias, Transylvania, Oberth presents his view of the structure of the universe, consisting of rhythmically pulsing density variations of an ether whose main thrust direction is a spiral that produces other spirals. ALS. [47 757]. 276. From Victor Scharf Buenos Aires, 20 November 1927 Regrets not having sent the portrait for which AE sat during his visit to Buenos Aires. The painting is in his studio in the south of France. Hopes to bring it to Berlin on a later visit and that AE received the photographic reproduction. ALS. [48 378]. 277. To Jules Émile Verschaffelt [Berlin,] 21 November 1927 Sends written version of his comments at the Fifth Solvay Congress (see Doc. 76) in a clearer formulation. ALSX. [16 615]. 278. To Hans Adolf Oberth [Berlin,] 23 November 1927 In reply to Abs. 275, E. Sieradz on behalf of AE informs that Oberth’s suggestions are devoid of any scientific interest. TLC. [47 758]. 279. From Otto Lüning Braunschweig, 23 November 1927 As a committed critic of the war, Lüning, Professor of Food Chemistry at the TH Braun- schweig, objects to AE’s opinion (see Appendix F) that nationalism has abated. Sends a copy of an issue of the magazine Menschheit, whose editor has been arrested for treason, and warns against plans by “patriotic” associations for a new invasion of Poland and the establishment of a military dictatorship. ALS. [47 553].
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C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S N O V E M B E R 1 9 2 7 8 2 9 270. To Smithsonian Institution [Berlin,] 15 November 1927 Consents to the publication of the English translation of Einstein 1927k (Vol. 15, Doc. 503) which had been published in the Manchester Guardian on 19 March 1927. TLC. [48 354]. 271. To Leon Steinig Berlin, 15 November 1927 In reply to Abs. 264, has been aware of the December date, at which Kristine Bonnevie will represent him. TLC. [34 968]. 272. From Bund Entschiedener Schulreformer Berlin, 17 November 1927 Requests signature of AE as member of the Bund to an appeal in honor of fiftieth birth- day of their chairman, Paul Oestreich. TLS. [48 428]. 273. From Andor Fodor Jerusalem, 17 November 1927 In reply to AE’s (nonextant) letter, has meager knowledge of the fusion of Hebrew Uni- versity and Hadassah. Practicing clinicians are apparently being preferred over research physicians for chairs in a medical faculty. Depressed by hearing of AE’s plan to quit. At- tributes the situation to lack of loyalty to AE, a typical Jewish characteristic with roots in lack of respect for each other, which also explains the A. Felix case. Criticizes report by Adler, Horovitz, Brodetsky, and Ornstein saying a biochemist cannot teach other branches of chemistry. His only hope is a university council under AE’s leadership. ALS. [36 989]. 274. To Anna Ludwig Berlin, 19 November 1927 Owing to an oversight, her letter (Abs. 47) only reached him now. Recommends that she use a 50 cm cardboard tube, and that she speak softly into it close to the listener. TLC. [47 551]. A draft in AE’s hand is available at the bottom of p. 2 of Abs. 47 [47 549]. 275. From Hans Adolf Oberth Berlin, 19 November 1927 A physician in Medias, Transylvania, Oberth presents his view of the structure of the universe, consisting of rhythmically pulsing density variations of an ether whose main thrust direction is a spiral that produces other spirals. ALS. [47 757]. 276. From Victor Scharf Buenos Aires, 20 November 1927 Regrets not having sent the portrait for which AE sat during his visit to Buenos Aires. The painting is in his studio in the south of France. Hopes to bring it to Berlin on a later visit and that AE received the photographic reproduction. ALS. [48 378]. 277. To Jules Émile Verschaffelt [Berlin,] 21 November 1927 Sends written version of his comments at the Fifth Solvay Congress (see Doc. 76) in a clearer formulation. ALSX. [16 615]. 278. To Hans Adolf Oberth [Berlin,] 23 November 1927 In reply to Abs. 275, E. Sieradz on behalf of AE informs that Oberth’s suggestions are devoid of any scientific interest. TLC. [47 758]. 279. From Otto Lüning Braunschweig, 23 November 1927 As a committed critic of the war, Lüning, Professor of Food Chemistry at the TH Braun- schweig, objects to AE’s opinion (see Appendix F) that nationalism has abated. Sends a copy of an issue of the magazine Menschheit, whose editor has been arrested for treason, and warns against plans by “patriotic” associations for a new invasion of Poland and the establishment of a military dictatorship. ALS. [47 553].

