C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S D E C E M B E R 1 9 2 7 8 3 1 292. To Willem J. M. van Eysinga [Berlin,] 30 November 1927 In reply to Eysinga’s urgent letter of 28 January 1927 (Vol. 15, Abs. 732), he will write the inscription for Lorentz’ portrait [for Grotius yearbook] and hopes the journal will honor Lorentz’s activities in the service of international efforts. Requests copy of C. van Vollenhoven’s inscription. TLC. [16 623]. 293. To Max Jakob Friedländer [Berlin,] 30 November 1927 Members of the former Russian aristocracy have secretly entrusted Mrs. Kissin with selling some paintings, some of which have authentication certificates issued by Friedländer himself. After having helped many of her suffering friends, she herself is now in need of assistance. TLC. [47 251]. 294. From Hans Oberth Berlin, 30 November 1927 In reply to Abs. 278, inquires whether AE’s opinion has changed after receiving his sec- ond letter that contained clarifications. ALS. [47 759]. 295. From Hans Reichenbach Zehlendorf, 1 December 1927 The editor Paul Hinneberg has told him that AE is willing to write a review of Reichenbach’s new book (Reichenbach 1928) for the Deutsche Literaturzeitung. Enclos- es the proofs an appendix on Weyl’s theory will be added. ALS. [20 090]. 296. Petition to U.S. Commissioner of Patents, Berlin Berlin, 2 December 1927 Draft of an application for a patent in the United States. The original patent is DE515833 (Vol. 15, Abs. 681a, in this volume). TDftS. [93 362]. Figures are in the attorney Hedlund’s letter to the commissioner ([93 364]). 297. Contract with Platen-Munters Aktiebolag Berlin, 2 December 1927 In their capacity as sole proprietors of patent application S77558 I/17a of 16 December 1926 (Vol. 15, Abs. 681a, in this volume), AE and L. Szilard relinquish all rights in Ger- many and also transfer the rights for the United States and United Kingdom to Platen- Munters in return for the sum of 3,150 M. TDS. [88 697]. 298. Oath of Albert Einstein and Leo Szilard Berlin, 2 December 1927 They declare under oath that they are the inventors of the refrigerating apparatus for which they submit an application for a patent in the United States (Abs. 296). [93 363]. 299. From Eigenbrödler-Verlag Berlin, 2 December 1927 In reply to Abs. 263, the publisher has been unable to find a replacement article of sim- ilar length for the F. Kortner book, and a change to the printed sheet would be very ex- pensive and time-consuming. Therefore, the piece will be published. TLS. Secretary’s notes on verso. [47 301]. 300. To Eigenbrödler-Verlag [Berlin,] 3 December 1927 Corrects his contribution to Ludwigg 1928 (Einstein 1928c [Doc. 98]) by praising its “clear description of people with a complicated emotional nature who act from an inner necessity.” TLC. [47 302]. 301. To Adolf Gerson [Berlin,] 5 December 1927 In reply to Abs. 280, notes that Gerson does not take the heat capacity of the Earth’s crust into account, and, moreover, that the atmosphere only allows for part of the infrared ra- diation to escape. One cannot maintain that it cools down by 70 degrees. TLC. [25 086]. 302. From Nikolaus (Miklós) Lázár Budapest, 5 December 1927 As chief editor of A Reggel, requests opinion on the unfair Treaty of Trianon, which de- prived Hungary of 71.5% of its territory and 63.6% of its population, thereby giving rise to 380,000 Hungarian refugees. TLS. [48 076].
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C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S D E C E M B E R 1 9 2 7 8 3 1 292. To Willem J. M. van Eysinga [Berlin,] 30 November 1927 In reply to Eysinga’s urgent letter of 28 January 1927 (Vol. 15, Abs. 732), he will write the inscription for Lorentz’ portrait [for Grotius yearbook] and hopes the journal will honor Lorentz’s activities in the service of international efforts. Requests copy of C. van Vollenhoven’s inscription. TLC. [16 623]. 293. To Max Jakob Friedländer [Berlin,] 30 November 1927 Members of the former Russian aristocracy have secretly entrusted Mrs. Kissin with selling some paintings, some of which have authentication certificates issued by Friedländer himself. After having helped many of her suffering friends, she herself is now in need of assistance. TLC. [47 251]. 294. From Hans Oberth Berlin, 30 November 1927 In reply to Abs. 278, inquires whether AE’s opinion has changed after receiving his sec- ond letter that contained clarifications. ALS. [47 759]. 295. From Hans Reichenbach Zehlendorf, 1 December 1927 The editor Paul Hinneberg has told him that AE is willing to write a review of Reichenbach’s new book (Reichenbach 1928) for the Deutsche Literaturzeitung. Enclos- es the proofs an appendix on Weyl’s theory will be added. ALS. [20 090]. 296. Petition to U.S. Commissioner of Patents, Berlin Berlin, 2 December 1927 Draft of an application for a patent in the United States. The original patent is DE515833 (Vol. 15, Abs. 681a, in this volume). TDftS. [93 362]. Figures are in the attorney Hedlund’s letter to the commissioner ([93 364]). 297. Contract with Platen-Munters Aktiebolag Berlin, 2 December 1927 In their capacity as sole proprietors of patent application S77558 I/17a of 16 December 1926 (Vol. 15, Abs. 681a, in this volume), AE and L. Szilard relinquish all rights in Ger- many and also transfer the rights for the United States and United Kingdom to Platen- Munters in return for the sum of 3,150 M. TDS. [88 697]. 298. Oath of Albert Einstein and Leo Szilard Berlin, 2 December 1927 They declare under oath that they are the inventors of the refrigerating apparatus for which they submit an application for a patent in the United States (Abs. 296). [93 363]. 299. From Eigenbrödler-Verlag Berlin, 2 December 1927 In reply to Abs. 263, the publisher has been unable to find a replacement article of sim- ilar length for the F. Kortner book, and a change to the printed sheet would be very ex- pensive and time-consuming. Therefore, the piece will be published. TLS. Secretary’s notes on verso. [47 301]. 300. To Eigenbrödler-Verlag [Berlin,] 3 December 1927 Corrects his contribution to Ludwigg 1928 (Einstein 1928c [Doc. 98]) by praising its “clear description of people with a complicated emotional nature who act from an inner necessity.” TLC. [47 302]. 301. To Adolf Gerson [Berlin,] 5 December 1927 In reply to Abs. 280, notes that Gerson does not take the heat capacity of the Earth’s crust into account, and, moreover, that the atmosphere only allows for part of the infrared ra- diation to escape. One cannot maintain that it cools down by 70 degrees. TLC. [25 086]. 302. From Nikolaus (Miklós) Lázár Budapest, 5 December 1927 As chief editor of A Reggel, requests opinion on the unfair Treaty of Trianon, which de- prived Hungary of 71.5% of its territory and 63.6% of its population, thereby giving rise to 380,000 Hungarian refugees. TLS. [48 076].

