8 4 4 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S M A R C H 1 9 2 8 that has already been worked on up to a certain point by H. Weyl, T. Levi-Civita, and himself. Requests reprints of AE’s papers on this topic and on quantum theory published after 1916. Regrets not having seen AE at the Como meeting. ALS. [22 272]. 440. To Catherine Barjanski [Berlin,] 21 February 1928 Thanks for the harmonious gift produced by her hands, which has given him and his la- dies in the household great pleasure. ALSX. [45 469]. 441. From Reichsarbeitsministerium Berlin, 21 February 1928 Circular letter informing that O. Weigert, head of section in the ministry, will take over the function of representing the German government in the administrative committee of the International Labor Office, replacing J. Feig. State Secretary E. Trendelenburg of the Reichswirtschaftsministerium will also be part of the mixed committee for economic crises. TLS. [46 387.1]. 442. From Franz Hoffmann Cologne, 24 February 1928. Sends his manuscript in which he continues AE’s and Weyl’s works. States his method allows for easier management of problems in Riemannian geometry. Has developed a theory of differential tensors of higher order and explained the Michelson experiment without mathematics. Gave an exposition of kinetic energy. Asks for opinion. ALS. [46 712]. 443. From Sigmund Wassermann Berlin, 24 February 1928 After having written at AE’s suggestion a few days ago, requests that AE join the honorary committee of the Verein der Freunde der Hebräsischen Realschule in Haifa, whose director A. Biram has just given lectures in Berlin. TLC. [46 597]. 444. To the International League against Pogroms [Berlin, after 24 February 1928] His letter in reply to Abs. 438, in which he accepted the honorary chairmanship of the International League against Pogroms and hopes that all nations will declare themselves for freedom and against pogroms, was read by B. Lecache at the meeting of 24 February. PD. [98 015]. 445. From Leo Kohn London, 29 February 1928 Encloses J. L. Magnes’s reply to Doc. 128 (J. L. Magnes to C. Weizmann, 13 February 1928, TLC. [36 1001] see also Abs. 394 and Doc. 133). Weizmann, who is leaving for the United States on 14 March until end of May, requests AE’s comments. F. M. Warburg will not travel to Europe in spring after all. TLC. [36 1000]. 446. From Leo Kohn London, 29 February 1928 Weizmann will discuss these matters with F. M. Warburg when in the United States. Brodetsky is taking preliminary steps to accept this position. They are taking ever more seriously AE’s proposal to have Weizmann as head, considering Weizmann’s health problems. Pending an equivocal invitation by the Kuratorium, it would be easier for him to withdraw from the presidency of Zionist Organisation. Asks AE to propose this invi- tation for 1930 for one or two years at the next session together with F. M. Warburg. Requests consideration of problems described in this letter, which was sent with Weizmann’s consent. TLS. [36 1005]. 447. “Expert Opinion on Legal Dispute between Deutsche Kabelwerke and Standard Tele- phones & Cables Ltd. on Patents 341 678 and 390 178.” Zuoz, March 1928 Both patents offer method for producing cores for electromagnets from powder of ferro- magnetic substances by pressure higher than their elastic limit. The method was first pat- ented by DE341 678. TDSC. [35 341]. 448. From Leo Kohn London, 2 March 1928 J. L. Magnes proposes E. Landau for head of university. Weizmann is against it. To pre- vent Magnes from making an irrevocable commitment to Landau, an announcement of
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