8 5 4 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S M A Y 1 9 2 8 552. From Leon Steinig Geneva, 16 May 1928 F. Maurette informed him that, according to O. Weigert, three candidates are being proposed for the single place in the commission: one by AE, one by the relevant organi- zations of intellectual workers, and one by the government. According to his best knowl- edge, AE would propose a candidate only if the unions could not agree on a person. It would be an encroachment on the part of the government on the resolution of unions to make a counterproposal. A. Dufour-Feronce informed him that the German minister of labor, H. Brauns, did propose T. Brauer, who is politically close to the minister and climbed from factory worker to professorship. He also understands that AE sticks to W. von Moellendorff. Requests to clarify the situation. ALS. [48 500]. 553. From Leo Kohn London, 17 May 1928 In reply to Abs. 515, characterizes A. Fodor as a neurotic, egotistic, paranoid personality who according to Ch. Weizmann stands behind the internal fight among the departments of the Institute of Chemistry. Fodor’s attitude prevented Nathan Grünstein from joining the university. To solve the complaints of his assistants, those in inorganic chemistry should not work under his supervision. The most important task is to find a professor for inorganic chemistry and to split the Institute of Chemistry. Writes all this to prevent AE from being misinformed by Fodor. E. Landau is hurt by not being proposed for rector. J. L. Magnes offered him the position without asking Weizmann’s opinion, playing on Landau’s expected reaction. A rector would not solve the problems, but getting rid of Magnes would. Praises Brodetsky’s personality, capability of being rector. Criticizes Magnes’s proposal for a rector in office for only a limited period. A sharp definition of the rector’s competence is needed. TLS. [36 1031]. 554. From Georges Oprescu Geneva, 17 May 1928 Learns from L. Steinig that AE is ill and cannot participate in the July session of the ICIC. Hopes for an early recovery. The participation of AE and J. Destrée in the Steering Commission of Intellectual Workers is on its agenda. TLS. [34 993]. 555. From Fondation pour la Science Paris, 18 May 1928 The next session of the administrative committee of the foundation will take place 25 May 1928 in Paris. A. G. Toledano gives agenda. According to statutes, the presence of the majority of members is necessary for valid voting. A representative should be an- nounced in advance. TLC. [46 211]. 556. From James B. Baillie [Leeds,] 19 May 1928 In reference to Abs. 60, reiterates invitation for 2 July 1928 for AE to receive his hon- orary doctorate. TLS. [30 226]. 557. From Hugo Strassmann [Berlin,] 20 May 1928 Found AE’s (nonextant) letter of 16 May very disconcerting. AE intends to draw a clear line between Strassmann and his wife and brother-in-law. Both Mr. Schöntges and Martha intend to continue to work, even though they do not need to. ALS. [48 524]. 558. To the Royal Irish Academy [Berlin,] 21 May 1928 Confirms the reception of diploma, and praises its extraordinary artistic quality. TLC. [30 231]. 559. To Leon Steinig [Berlin,] 21 May 1928 The exposition of the case in Abs. 552 is not entirely correct. Never intended to propose a candidate against the unions. The Socialist union accepts W. von Moellendorff, and the bourgeois proposes its president, O. Everling, an old, uneducated, reactionary man. Compared to him, even T. Brauer would be better. The minister will act slowly until the organizations are fed up with the case and accept Brauer. Asks to show this letter to F. Maurette and A. Dufour-Feronce. TLC. [34 994].
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