C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S M A Y 1 9 2 8 8 5 5 560. From Solomon Rosowsky Jerusalem, 23 May 1928 Reminds of a discussion six years earlier on a new trend in Jewish music and on his com- position “Chassidic Trio.” In the three years of living in Palestine, has discovered that the land hides great treasures of religious music, especially that of Yemenite and Arabic- Sephardic Jews. Submitted to J. L. Magnes a memorandum in which he proposes an in- stitute for Jewish music within the Jewish studies department of HU with the purpose to enrich liturgical music. The study of Jewish-oriental music would contribute to clearing up whether this music uses third- or quarter-tone system, and what its many scales are. Finally, the finest melodies should be recorded and taken down with special notes. The Yemenite songs need another method. Asks for support. Attaches a copy of the memo- randum ([48 162]). ALS. [48 161]. 561. To James B. Baillie [Berlin,] 24 May 1928 In reply to Abs. 556, informs that he cannot visit University of Leeds because of his se- vere illness. Thanks for the invitation. TLC. [30 227]. 562. To Johannes Otto [Berlin,] 24 May 1928 Upon Otto’s request (Abs. 550), confirms that Otto in his letter of 10 October 1927 (Abs. 183) predicted strong earthquakes for December 1927 and January 1928. After a second reading of the letter, finds the considerations in it very doubtful. TLC. [47 790]. 563. From Israel Auerbach Berlin, 24 May 1928 Invites to the session of the administrative board of the Verein zur Gründung und Er- haltung einer Akademie für die Wissenschaft des Judentums on 30 May. Attaches agen- da and sends agenda of 13 May session. TLS. [48 802]. 564. From Andor Fodor Jerusalem, 24 May 1928 Sends documents proving the small war fought against him by the administration in I. Kligler’s interest. Kaplan does not do anything for the Chemical Institute. As to his ob- structing Nathan Grünstein’s invitation, mentions that Grünstein declared to select the leadership of the Institute of Organic Chemistry. Fodor asked for the financial source be- cause the present money is hardly enough for his own institute. With this, Grünstein left. Ch. Weizmann endorsed this remark and made it clear that Grünstein would not be a head. ALS. [36 1037] 565. From Mendel Rozenthal Villevaude, 25 May 1928 A twenty-eight-year-old Polish Jewish student of medicine in Rouen, suffering from tu- berculosis, asks help for continuing his studies and treatment. ALS. [48 179]. 566. From Georges Oprescu [Geneva,] 25–26 May 1928 Sends agenda of the July session of ICIC. TLS. [34 983]. 567. From Gewerkschaft Deutscher Geistesarbeiterverbände Berlin, 29 May 1928 Sends copy of its letter to minister of labor and a few documents from O. Everling. Thanks for AE’s supporting note to bank director O. Wassermann. TLS. [46 411]. 568. From Viola Klein Davos, 29 May 1928 The Davos Hochschule was founded “for reconciliation of nations, religions and races” by Gustav Kaiser, Jenő Kollarits, and Klara Zappler. The present committee defines its program as nonpolitical, but the school, ignoring this program, follows the original one. Emphasizes importance of Zappler’s contribution. Has heard that AE practiced music in Zappler’s home in preparation for his concert. ALS. [47 257]. 569. From Edmund Landau [Göttingen,] 29 May 1928 Sends copy of a letter he is sending to London. Hopes AE will inform London in a timely manner that he has read the letter and approves of Landau’s proposals. ALS. [36 1045].
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Extracted Text (may have errors)

C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S M A Y 1 9 2 8 8 5 5 560. From Solomon Rosowsky Jerusalem, 23 May 1928 Reminds of a discussion six years earlier on a new trend in Jewish music and on his com- position “Chassidic Trio.” In the three years of living in Palestine, has discovered that the land hides great treasures of religious music, especially that of Yemenite and Arabic- Sephardic Jews. Submitted to J. L. Magnes a memorandum in which he proposes an in- stitute for Jewish music within the Jewish studies department of HU with the purpose to enrich liturgical music. The study of Jewish-oriental music would contribute to clearing up whether this music uses third- or quarter-tone system, and what its many scales are. Finally, the finest melodies should be recorded and taken down with special notes. The Yemenite songs need another method. Asks for support. Attaches a copy of the memo- randum ([48 162]). ALS. [48 161]. 561. To James B. Baillie [Berlin,] 24 May 1928 In reply to Abs. 556, informs that he cannot visit University of Leeds because of his se- vere illness. Thanks for the invitation. TLC. [30 227]. 562. To Johannes Otto [Berlin,] 24 May 1928 Upon Otto’s request (Abs. 550), confirms that Otto in his letter of 10 October 1927 (Abs. 183) predicted strong earthquakes for December 1927 and January 1928. After a second reading of the letter, finds the considerations in it very doubtful. TLC. [47 790]. 563. From Israel Auerbach Berlin, 24 May 1928 Invites to the session of the administrative board of the Verein zur Gründung und Er- haltung einer Akademie für die Wissenschaft des Judentums on 30 May. Attaches agen- da and sends agenda of 13 May session. TLS. [48 802]. 564. From Andor Fodor Jerusalem, 24 May 1928 Sends documents proving the small war fought against him by the administration in I. Kligler’s interest. Kaplan does not do anything for the Chemical Institute. As to his ob- structing Nathan Grünstein’s invitation, mentions that Grünstein declared to select the leadership of the Institute of Organic Chemistry. Fodor asked for the financial source be- cause the present money is hardly enough for his own institute. With this, Grünstein left. Ch. Weizmann endorsed this remark and made it clear that Grünstein would not be a head. ALS. [36 1037] 565. From Mendel Rozenthal Villevaude, 25 May 1928 A twenty-eight-year-old Polish Jewish student of medicine in Rouen, suffering from tu- berculosis, asks help for continuing his studies and treatment. ALS. [48 179]. 566. From Georges Oprescu [Geneva,] 25–26 May 1928 Sends agenda of the July session of ICIC. TLS. [34 983]. 567. From Gewerkschaft Deutscher Geistesarbeiterverbände Berlin, 29 May 1928 Sends copy of its letter to minister of labor and a few documents from O. Everling. Thanks for AE’s supporting note to bank director O. Wassermann. TLS. [46 411]. 568. From Viola Klein Davos, 29 May 1928 The Davos Hochschule was founded “for reconciliation of nations, religions and races” by Gustav Kaiser, Jenő Kollarits, and Klara Zappler. The present committee defines its program as nonpolitical, but the school, ignoring this program, follows the original one. Emphasizes importance of Zappler’s contribution. Has heard that AE practiced music in Zappler’s home in preparation for his concert. ALS. [47 257]. 569. From Edmund Landau [Göttingen,] 29 May 1928 Sends copy of a letter he is sending to London. Hopes AE will inform London in a timely manner that he has read the letter and approves of Landau’s proposals. ALS. [36 1045].

