C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S O C T O B E R 1 9 2 8 8 6 5 667. From Aron Hirsch Berlin, 3 October 1928 Circular to members of board of directors of the Verein zür Gründung und Erhaltung einer Akademie für die Wissenschaft des Judentums. Attaches Abs. 668. Steps to be taken as a result of Gustav Bradt’s death will be decided at their next meeting. TLS. [48 805]. 668. From Aron Hirsch Berlin, 3 October 1928 Michael does not want to be elected member of board of directors of the Verein or its commission (Ausschuss). He will transfer 10,000 M to the Academy, and further trans- fers will follow, with the condition that his proposals for publication will be accepted. He intends to dedicate the first work to his father. TLS. [48 804]. 669. From Curt Schwarz Charlottenburg, 3 October 1928 Sends lengthy reflections and excerpts from poetry by Heine, Schiller, and others that might sustain his aspirations for an understanding of the wonders of natural phenomena and distance himself from personal wishes and desires. Explains that his calculations were, after all, incorrect. ALS. [48 453]. 670. From Anton Targonski Berlin, 3 October 1928 A new journal called The Inventor is being launched in Russia. Asks AE, G. Count von Arco, C. Duisberg, and L. Mintz to answer ten questions. The answers will be published in the first issue of the journal. 1. Who can be regarded as an inventor? 2. Is one born an inventor, or can one learn to be one? Can you be an inventor without knowledge? 3. What characteristics should an inventor have: talent, knowledge, or diligence? Where do most of them come from? From among intellectual workers or manual workers? 4. To which class do the inventors belong in a society of organizers and executors? Are they to be considered scientific, technological, or factory workers? 5. What type of inventors do we need: who work a) in solitude b) in a community of inventors c) in a trade union? 6. What is the role of the inventor in rationalizing production? 7. How does the monopoly ownership of the inventor influence the development of a na- tional economy? 8. What are the most promising means of giving the inventor a share in the benefits of his invention? 9. What is more important: to complete already existing inventions, or concentrate on new, pioneering inventions? 10. What are the prospects of inventive activity (in the year 2000)? TLS. [48 557]. 671. To Lending Department of Prussian State Library [Berlin,] 4 October 1928 In reply to Abs. 662, informs that Grommer is on a holiday trip. As soon as he returns, will remind him of returning the books. ALS. [78 243]. 672. From Hans Hilzensauer Salzburg, 4 October 1928 AE misunderstood his telegram. In it, he introduced himself as a penniless student with- out the possibility of publishing his essay on an epistemological solution of AE’s prin- ciple and the space-time problem. Requests advice and guidance. ALS. [46 696].