8 6 6 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S O C T O B E R 1 9 2 8 673. From Johan Huizinga Leyden, 4 October 1928 The senate of the University of Leyden is happy to hear that AE’s health is improving. Begs not to answer the letter. ALS. [46 751]. 674. From Kuratorium Zeitlersche Studienhausstiftung Berlin, 6 October 1928 Send minutes of the session of the competition of 29 September. Requests to take the rules of submission for the prize ([49 010]) seriously. The journals listed in [49 009] ask to take them into consideration when publishing prize questions and guidelines. TLS. [49 008]. 675. From Richard Lützner Pirna, 6 October 1928 A teacher in elementary school and father of two children, has managed to attend the Technical University of Dresden simultaneously with his teaching duties. Has studied higher mathematics. The ministry did not recognize all his credits and denied a reduction in his teaching load. Asks for a 6,000 M loan. ALS. [47 559]. 676. From Erwin Madelung [Frankfurt am Main,] 6 October 1928 Is “upset” with AE for inviting C. Lanczos to Berlin. Lanczos will be granted leave of absence as Privatdozent and assistant professor, with his position being filled by H. Bethe. Madelung’s electrometer, a substantially developed construction, is being put into fabrication. ALS. [15 219]. 677. From Antonina Vallentin Berlin, 6 October 1928 Sends the report on the first session of the committee (set up according to Abs. 531) held with AE absent. Will give it to the press. Asks how many tickets and further invitations AE needs for Ramsay MacDonald’s lecture. TLS. [48 660]. 678. From Florence and Hans Byland Chur, 7 October 1928 Gives an account of the progress and interests of their children, Elly and Willy. They work hard to be able to leave the hot valley for the summer. Their young painter friend Leonhard Meisser has an exhibition in Basel. TLS. [45 730]. 679. To Notgemeinschaft der Deutschen Wissenschaft [Berlin,] 8 October1928 Requests a one-year research stipend of 350 M for C. Lanczos, Privatdozent at the Uni- versity of Frankfurt, with whom AE will carry out research in Berlin on the elaboration of the theory of relativity, especially on the problem gravitation-electricity. He expects stimulating results. TLC. [15 222]. 680. To Melania Serbu Berlin, 9 October 1928 Apparently she has read a popular book on relativity, which might be superficial. The theory cannot be understood without preliminary knowledge. If she possesses such skills, he recommends that she read Thirring 1921. TLSX. [39 101]. 681. From Richard Lützner Pirna, 9 October 1928 The minister offers a leave without pay, or 60 M per month for eight hours per week teaching. It would be easier if he were not a teacher in elementary school and a son of a worker. Asks again for a 6,000 M loan he was promised a further 250 M per month. ALS. [47 560]. 682. To Max Lagally Berlin, 11 October 1928 Asks for opinion on Richard Lützner (see Abs. 675 and 681). Has the impression he de- serves help to finish his studies and be Studienrat. In case of a positive opinion, will turn to the Saxon minister of education. TLC. [47 561]. 683. From Marie Rohrer Zurich, [11 October 1928] Back in Zurich for the winter, meets with Susy (?) and Ms. Markwalder, and is again member of a Zurich mixed choir. Still clings to the days of their youth. ALS. [48 140].