D O C . 9 5 L O R E N T Z & I N T E R N AT I O N A L C O O P E R AT I O N 1 1 1 But Lorentz will not be deterred, once he has recognized a path as the right one. Immediately after the war, he took part in the leadership of the “Research Council” that had been founded by scholars from the victorious nations, barring scholars and corporate bodies of the “Central Powers.”[4] The scholars of the “Central Powers” resented him for this measure, which he pursued with the purpose of influencing the institution in such a way as to be able to expand it into a truly international one.[5] He and other well-meaning persons managed, after repeated efforts, to bring about the revocation of that notorious exclusion clause in the statutes of the council.[6] The goal of the resumption of normal and fruitful collaboration among scholarly societies has yet to be achieved, however, because—angered by almost ten years of exclusion from nearly all international scientific events—scientific scholars of the “Central Powers” have become accustomed to a negative stance. Nonetheless, there is good reason to hope that, by Lorentz’s tactful efforts, guided by his interest purely for the sake of the good cause, the ice will soon have thawed. H. A. Lorentz placed his energies at the service of international intellectual goals in a second way as well, by accepting his election into the League of Nations Inter- national Committee on Intellectual Cooperation, which was called into being about five years ago under Bergson’s presidency.[7] H. A. Lorentz has been president of this committee since one year ago [8] it is supposed to perform a mediating capacity in the area of intellectual and artistic research within the various cultural spheres, actively supported by its subordinate Paris institute.[9] There, too, the beneficial in- fluence of his wise, humanistic, and modest personality will lead those onto the right path whose unpronounced but ever-followed motto is: “Not ruling, but serving.” May his example help make this spirit prevail! A. Einstein