D O C . 1 7 1 O N S P I N O Z A ’ S E T H I C S 1 7 5 171. On Spinoza’s Ethics[1] [Berlin, before 13 April 1928][2] How much I love this noble man More than I can say with words. But I fear that he remains alone With his radiant saintly nimbus. ——— For a Such a poor little fellow You don’t lead to freedom The amor dei[3] leaves him cold Life draws him mightily on Heights only give him a chill For him reason is stale food Possessions, wife, honor, house Fulfill him from top to bottom ——— You must kindly forgive me If here I think of Münchhausen[4] Who alone throve on the feat Of lifting himself by his own bootstraps. You think Spinoza’s You think his example shows us What histhis doctrine can give humans My dear son, what crosses your mind? One must be born to be a star! Don’t surrender Don’t trust comforting appearances: One must be born to the sublime.