2 4 6 D O C U M E N T 2 5 2 A U G U S T 1 9 2 8 Furthermore, permit me to ask the question as to what sort of functions you de- note by the in (4) of your second article?[6] From (4) , I find that then [7] is to be taken, and that from it follows that: up to quantities of 2nd order. This does not agree with your Eq. (2a). And here, one cannot neglect the products ? Likewise, I was not able (not even to first approximation) to derive from the pre- condition [8] and from the action function A ( in your notes)[9] field equations that agree with those (R ) that are obtained from the Riemannian invariant R (R ). Best wishes with the hope that you will soon recover from your heart ailment, yours truly, R. Weitzenböck 252. To Eduard Einstein Scharbeutz bei Lübeck, 10 August [1928][1] Dear Tetel, Take the fate of this vacation as a warning—no longer follow the doctors’ ad- vice. For no good reason, they have snatched away our summer get-together, for nothing, nothing at all![2] And it’s so wonderful here that despite my illness I’m en- tirely delighted. I’m feeling significantly better, too. I also came here against the will of the doctors and really have no regrets.[3] We’re reading Schopenhauer, Plato, and enjoying the beauty of the coastal landscape. If you are not yet allowed to go to school, pack up your knapsack and come here immediately. I’m staying here until the end of September and find it so beautiful that I’m already dreading my departure. Don't ask any doctor! They are the successors of the preachers who rule over us in the name of our corpses! It was a great mistake to put you in such a sanitarium and activate your hypochondria.[4] People croak by themselves when the time comes and thus don’t need to pay any special attention to their outer shell. So come, right away, if you have leave of absence for illness (Villa Michahelles). In this case, let us know before your arrival. It would be splendid. I will also write to Mama.[5] Warm regards from your Papa Best wishes to Mama. I’m also writing her in Zurich in case she is there. k h a a k + = h a a k – = 2 k x ----------- k x ---------- - – k a x ---------- - k a x ---------- - – a ka – = k a k a x ------------ - 0 = H hA = 0 = hR =