D O C U M E N T 2 8 0 O C T O B E R 1 9 2 8 2 7 7 280. From Cornel Lanczos Frankfurt am Main, 6 October 1928 Dear Professor, As a supplement to my letter of Tuesday,[1] I take the liberty of remarking that in the meantime, the matter of my substitute here has been settled in quite a favor- able way, and the young Bethe, who will take my place[2] (he finished his doctorate last semester with Sommerfeld),[3] lives here in Frankfurt, so that all the still-un- settled questions can be taken care of in the coming days. I could thus move to Berlin at the end of October and take up my position there on November 1, at the latest. I await your kind approval for the final arrangement of the matter. With kind regards, yours sincerely, Lanczos