3 9 2 D O C U M E N T S 4 3 3 , 4 3 6 M A R C H 1 9 2 9 433. From Hans Frösch[1] Zurich, 13 March 1929 Dear Einstein, I congratulate the world on your birthday! As for you yourself, I’d condole with you on your fiftieth if I didn’t know that trifles such as time and space don’t matter much to you! Best regards from your old Frösch 434. Calculation [Berlin, between 14 March and 19 March 1929][1] [Not selected for translation.] 435. Verse for Birthday Well-Wishers[1] [Berlin,] 14 March 1929 [See Doc. 436 in this volume for published English version.] 436. Verse for Birthday Well-Wishers [Einstein 1929aa] Dated 14 March 1929 Published 21 April 1929 In: New York Times, 21 April 1929, sec. 10, p. 7.