C A L E N D A R 1 9 1 9 5 8 7
December 8 1-page TLS to KWIP board of directors. Suggests to give
Erwin Freundlich 2,000 M one-time support. Requests
silent approval within a week. Provenance: GyBP, I. Abt.,
Rep. 34, Nr. 2, Mappe Freundlich. [78 027].
1-page TLS from Edward P. Hulse, Boy Scouts of America,
New York City. Believes Einstein’s “theory of high veloci-
ties” fully explains the action of a gyroscope, a problem for
which a prize of $75,000 had been offered some years ago.
Asks whether Einstein wishes him to investigate the matter
of the prize. Provenance: IsJHU. [43 338].
December 9 Ministerial decree granting Einstein a salary raise from
12,000 M to 18,000 M. Provenance: GyBAW, II-III, Bd. 38,
Bl. 33. [79 281], [81 927], [82 204].
1-page ALS from Mendelssohn & Co. The amounts of
383.47 and 500 M were transferred to Einstein’s account at
Dresdner Bank on his instructions of 29 November, and on
those of the KWIP board of trustees, respectively. Prove-
nance: GyBP, I. Abt., Rep. 34, Nr. 13. [77 695].
1-page TLS. The Department of Education, Canton of
Zurich, has resolved to grant a teaching appointment to Ein-
stein, to deliver a 24-hour course on special topics in theo-
retical physics in the summer semester of 1920 at the
University of Zurich, for a time interval to be determined at
a later date. Provenance: Protokoll des Erziehungsrates des
Kantons Zürich vom 9 December. SzZU, ABF, Einstein,
Lehraufträge 1919–20, and IsJHU. [45 355].
December 10 Elsa Einstein describes the intense public interest in Ein-
stein due to his sudden rise to fame: “Es regnet Bittbriefe
um Autogramme, die Reporter und Interviewer laufen ihm
die Bude ab, die Verleger aus allen möglichen Ländern wol-
len sein populäres Büchlein übersetzen lassen und verlegen,
dazwischen kommen Photographen in die Wohnung, einer
von dieser Sorte kürzlich telegraphisch von New York aus in
die Wohnung befohlen! „Man möchte hinaus, wo kein Loch
ist,“ das sagt er gegenwärtig mit Vorliebe.” She is anxious
whether she will be able to take care of Pauline Einstein
when she arrives (from Switzerland). Asks Ehrenfest to con-
vince Einstein not to attend the Zionist congress in order to
spare Einstein’s health. Provenance: Elsa Einstein to Paul
Ehrenfest, IsJHU. [9 455].