5 8 8 C A L E N D A R 1 9 1 9
December 11 3-page TLS from Arthur von Oettingen. Responds to Ein-
stein’s letter of 16 November 1919 (Doc. 167) and defends
himself against the charge of handling in an objectionable
manner a proposal by Werner Bloch to edit Riemann 1868
and Helmholtz 1868 in the series of Ostwalds Klassiker der
exakten Wissenschaften. Objects to Bloch as too junior an
editor for a volume of the Klassiker and quotes excerpts of
his letter to Bloch, dated 13 November 1919, in which he
informed him of the rejection of the proposal. Also quotes
from a letter by the publisher Engelmann to Oettingen,
dated 27 November, in which he was informed about
Bloch’s anger and quotes from a copy of a letter by Bloch to
the publisher in which Bloch complained about Oettingen’s
handling of his proposal. Provenance: IsJHU. [43 284].
December 12 1-page TLS from Barth publishing house. No longer objects
to the republication of Einstein 1916f by Teubner publishing
house, for there are only 100 copies of it in Barth’s stock.
Hopes, however, that Einstein would publish with Barth
another work of his or would reconsider the publication of a
revised edition of Einstein 1916f. Provenance: IsJHU.
[41 993].
To take part in a scholar’s conference (“Gelehrtenkonfe-
renz”) on the Hebrew University in Basel between 14 and
16 January 1920, organized by the Education Department of
the Zionist Organisation. Provenance: Berliner Tageblatt,
ME. [9 460], [77 444].
The Council of the Royal Astronomical Society selects Ein-
stein as recipient of the society’s Gold Medal.
December 13 3-page ALS from Ethel Allen in London. Reminds Einstein
that he had given permission to her brother, W. J. Arnold
Whyte, to translate Einstein 1917a (Vol. 6, Doc. 42) into
English when Whyte, as former prisoner of war, visited with
Einstein in November 1918 before returning to England. He
has completed the translation and now requests written con-
firmation of the oral promise. Provenance: IsJHU. [43 032].
December 14 Is asked whether he would consider an offer for the chair of
theoretical physics at the University of Zurich (Doc. 214).
A photograph of Einstein by Suse Byk on the cover of Berli-
ner Illustrirte Zeitung. The caption reads: “Eine neue Größe
der Weltgeschichte: Albert Einstein, dessen Forschungen