5 8 6 C A L E N D A R 1 9 1 9
wertlos.” Provenance: GyBAW, II-VI, Bd. 121, Bl. 243.
[84 009].
1-page ALS to secretariat of the physical-mathematical
class of the PAW. Evaluates Fritz Reininghaus’s manu-
scripts (see entry of 20 November) as follows: “Die in die-
ser Schrift enthaltenen Behauptungen beruhen auf
Denkfehlern, die von jedem ordentlichen Studenten aufge-
zeigt werden können. Eine sachliche Behandlung erübrigt
sich daher.” Provenance: GyBAW, II-VI, Bd. 121, Bl. 227.
[84 003].
1-page TTrL to Viggo Carling in Copenhagen. Thanks for
the article from Politiken (see entry of 27 November). His
article in The Times (London) (Einstein 1919f) is available
from the newspaper itself. Has no time to visit Copenhagen.
Provenance: IsJHU. [44 667].
1-page TLS from Theodor von Wasielewski. Enclosed
sends the certificate for honorary doctorate in medicine (see
entry of 24 October). Provenance: GyRoU, MD (202)/19.
[32], Bl. 3. [30 121].
before December 5 As member of the journal commission of the executive com-
mittee of the DPG, co-signs an announcement on the publi-
cation of the new journals Zeitschrift für Physik and
Physikalische Berichte that replace earlier ones. Prove-
nance: DPG. Verhandlungen 21 (1919): 769–771.
December 5 1-page TDftS from Max Planck. In response to entry of
1 December, informs that Einstein will receive the advances
for small KWIP expenditures in installments of 1,000 M
and instructs Mendelssohn & Co. accordingly. Provenance:
GyBP, I. Abt., Rep. 1A, Nr. 1657. [77 303].
December 6 1-page TLC to Umschau. Cannot comply with the friendly
request to submit an article because of overwork. “Ihre 10
Gebote könnten, falls sie nur erfüllt würden, fast ebenso
heilbringend sein wie die von Jehova gespendeten.” Prove-
nance: IsJHU. [17 372.1].
2-page TLS from Felix Ehrenhaft as director of the
Chemisch-Physikalische Gesellschaft in Vienna, inviting
Einstein in the name of the board to deliver one or two lec-
tures on theory of gravitation and its experimental confirma-
tion (see Doc. 196). Provenance: IsJHU. [10 350].