6 0 8 C A L E N D A R 1 9 2 0
copies, mostly from abroad. Proposes a new printing of
1,000 copies for the same 450 M remuneration as for the
1,500 copies of the first print. Provenance: IsJHU. [41 994].
1-page TLS from Neue Zürcher Zeitung. Cover letter to
Doc. 359. Editor Korrodi requests Einstein’s contribution to
be sent by telegraph, and promises reimbursement of costs
and appropriate remuneration. Provenance: IsJHU.
[44 544].
1-page TLS from D. B. Steinman in New York City. Offers
to translate Einstein 1917a (Vol. 6, Doc. 42) into English.
Provenance: IsJHU. [45 065].
March 25 1-page ALS from Otto Eisfelder in Berlin. Extends rent
contract until 20 September 1920. Provenance: IsJHU. [43
March 26 2-page TLS from Friedrich Schmidt-Ott. The KWIP board
of trustees arranged for transferring 500 M to Walter Steub-
ing and Heinz Kirschbaum. Provenance: GyBP, I. Abt.,
Rep. 1A, Nr. 1657. [77 313].
March 27 1-page TLS from Ilse Einstein to Barth publishing house.
Einstein accepts the terms for a new printing of Einstein
1916f. Provenance: IsJHU. [41 995].
March 28 1-page TLS from Ludwig G. Rebholz. The notice to quit is
to be understood as a formality; the only problem is the
amount of the rent. The letter from the lawyer (see entry of
23 March) was superfluous. After having discussed the mat-
ter with Elsa Einstein, he agrees to keep the current rental
contract in force until new regulations for the maximum
increase appear. Provenance: IsJHU. [44 716].
after 28 March 1-page Dft in Ilse Einstein’s hand on the verso of Ludwig G.
Rebholz’s letter (see entry of 28 March). Agrees with Reb-
holz’s letter. The lawyer’s letter was elicited by a feeling of
intimidation. Provenance: IsJHU. [44 717].
March 29 1-page TLC to Walter Steubing and Heinz Kirschbaum
from Ilse Einstein on behalf of Albert Einstein. The KWIP
board of trustees arranged for transferring 500 M to their
account. Provenance: GyBP, I. Abt., Rep. 34, Nr. 10, Mappe
Steubing. [77 642].
March 31 1-page TTrL from Adolf von Harnack. Asks opinion about a
collaboration with a company represented by Josef Kaiser