D O C . 2 8 7 J A N U A R Y 1 9 2 0 2 3 9 beyond the pure arts and letters, and also to foster, to a prominent degree, the sci- ences, preferentially the natural sciences it does not restrict itself to an isolated audience and has no exclusive character but addresses the educated middle class. It does not feature politics directly and is international in the best sense. The Editorial Advisory Board is defined by the name Thomas Mann, who directs the literary affairs together with Hugo von Hofmannsthal.[2] For the sciences the editors unan- imously propose your name. (A further collaborator envisioned for this area is Carl Ludwig Schleich.)[3] Philosophy is represented by Count Hermann Keyserling (Darmstadt).[4] The poet Stefan Zweig sees to contacts abroad, mainly among the younger generation in France.[5] Critique of art and music rests in the hands of Oskar Bie, Erich Klossowski and Hans Pfitzner.[6] This new type of monthly, which will serve a very large readership, is character- ized by its emphasis on the sciences—of which your illustrious name serves as a symbol—which is much greater than is the case with existing general periodicals. Each issue should contain at least one purely scientific essay. Now, you, highly esteemed professor, are cordially invited by Thomas Mann, in the name of the Editorial Advisory Board, and by me, in the name of the editors, to agree to collaborate with us and to permit your name to be listed—next to the above-mentioned ones—among the select editors of the periodical. This initially only regards your approval in principle we shall inform you of the details of your collaboration as soon as the project has assumed palpable form. Awaiting your kind response in great suspense, I am, in humble expression of my utmost respect, Alexander Eliasberg. 287. From Anton Lampa Hadersdorf-Weidlingen near Vienna, 27 January 1920 Dear Mr. Einstein, I forward to you herewith a copy of a letter with which Prof. Wegscheider re- quested opinions on Ehrenhaft from Lorentz and Planck.[1] You will gather from it which points are to be considered and perhaps want to add to your recommenda- tion, which is probably already en route [2] this would, of course, be possible by means of a letter to Wegscheider, Vienna IX, 10 Währinger Street.[3] Cordial regards also from my wife,[4] yours, A. Lampa.