2 4 0 D O C S . 2 8 8 2 9 0 J A N U A R Y 1 9 2 0 288. To Arthur Korn[1] 28 January 1920 [Not selected for translation.] 289. To Alexander Eliasberg Berlin, 30 January 1920 Highly esteemed Sir, Lately, so many analogous inquiries have been addressed to me that it is a cate- gorical necessity for me to decline them all.[1] I am in any case so overworked al- ready that I cannot think of taking on any new responsibility. In sincerely regretting not being able to meet your request, I am, with best wish- es for your new endeavor, very respectfully, A. Einstein. 290. From Paul Epstein Munich, 19 Scheuchzer St., 31 January 1920 Highly esteemed Professor, I am just in receipt of a letter from my friend Alexander Eliasberg requesting that I support his efforts in winning you over as an editor of Odeon.[1] Indeed, I can do so with an impeccable conscience: Thomas Mann and Hugo von Hofmannsthal, who are heading the literary section, need no recommendation, obviously, being among the most respected personalities of German literature. Thomas Mann’s po- litical views evidently do not coincide with yours, nevertheless the magazine is supposed to be apolitical and will even follow international tendencies. Moreover, based on what I know about Thomas Mann, I am convinced that his conservatism is not rooted in material interests: he is a bad thinker but an honest and honorable character.[2] If you balk at collaborating with someone of the likes of Carl Ludwig Schleich (about whom I know very little), the editors will surely react to your ob- jection by dropping him immediately.[3] So my task can only consist of informing you about the character of the editor A. Eliasberg, whom I have known since my childhood. Eliasberg is a Jew of nation- alistic bent, who stresses his Jewishness at every opportunity that presents itself. His name is emblazoned on the cover of the Jewish monthly Jüdische Monatshefte
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