D O C U M E N T 4 2 9 F E B R U A R Y 1 9 2 3 7 1 7 me that—if you consider accepting a position in Italy—he is prepared to look into a way to meet your needs. And on my part I add that, for such a purpose, one could in the meantime look for an opportunity to bring you here for some lectures and to have a chance to discuss in person the formalities of the matter. Please have the kindness, meanwhile, upon receiving my letter (which I don’t know how to address except to your old address in Berlin) to send me a line in reply, so that I can hurry to communicate with the minister. In the meantime, needless to say, I ask that you consider my letter as confidential, as the minister has expressly requested avoidance of the press hearing of this idea too early. I am grateful to have the opportunity to write to you, recalling the unforgettable days in Bologna, with devoted friendship, Federigo Enriques TLS. [9 234]. Written on the author’s letterhead. [1]Enriques (1871–1946) was Professor of Projective and Descriptive Geometry at the University of Bologna. [2]In the second half of October 1921, Einstein lectured at the University of Bologna and was offered a position there (see his letter to Elsa Einstein, 12 November 1921 [Vol. 12, Doc. 296]). [3]Giovanni Gentile (1875–1944) was Professor of Philosophy at the University of Pisa. 429. To Chaim Weizmann [Haifa, 11 February 1923][1] Lieber Herr Weizmann! Ich habe gestern und heute Realschule und Technikum in Haifa besucht[2] und von der bisherigen Lehrarbeit einen sehr günstigen Eindruck bekommen. Es wäre eine grosse Wohlthat, wenn die Möglichkeit zum Beginn der Lehrthätigkeit im Technikum geschaffen werden könnten, denn alles ist bereit und das Bedürfnis gross. Hier sind die Schwierigkeiten gross, aber die Stimmung zuversichtlich und die Arbeit bewunderungswürdig Herzliche Grüsse und guten Erfolg Ihr Einstein. ALS (IsReWW). [33 364]. [1]Dated by reference to the tour of the Reali School and the Technion (see Doc. 379, entries for 10 and 11 February 1923). [2]The Reali School and the Technion.