7 2 4 D O C U M E N T 4 3 5 M A R C H 1 9 2 3 [1]Einstein visited the Technion on 10 and 11 February 1923 (see Doc. 379). [2]Elias Auerbach welcomed Einstein at a Technion banquet in his honor on 10 February (see Doc. 379). [3]Max Mordechai Hecker (1879–1964) had been raising funds for the Technion in Europe since the summer of 1922 on behalf of the Haifa Jewish committee (see Tidhar 1955, p. 2611). 435. From Gano Dunn [New York,] Thursday, March 1, 1923. Dear Professor Einstein: You do not know how deeply I am interested in the offer of President Nicholas Murray Butler on behalf of Columbia University in the City of New York.[1] It would almost be too good to be true if you should accept it. There is nowhere where the exalted possibilities of your present and future re- flections would be more recognized and your rights to solitude and your own intel- lectual atmosphere more respected than in Columbia University. The National Academy of Sciences of which you were a year ago elected a member[2] would as well as Columbia University and all the leading scientific bo- dies in the United States, be honored to extend to you a sympathetic environment both in your work and in your daily life. You left more friends than you know in the United States, not only in scientific circles but among an unusually large body of cultivated American men and women who appreciate if they do not fully understand the pregnant character of your gifts to the world. Your friends are Mrs. Einstein’s too, who won everybody while here with quali- ties that Americans deeply appreciate. Through Dr. Millikan who brought the latest news[3] I have had from you except your and Mrs. Einstein’s letter from Port Said, I have learned much about your pre- sent position in Berlin. It makes me all the more confident that you and Mrs. Ein- stein will be very happy in New York where your advent would not only be a matter of National importance but would seize the imagination of Americans generally in a way that would reflect honor on Germany and stimulate to its roots the growth of science. I need not say how happy it would make the small and devoted group who alrea- dy know you and Mrs. Einstein personally nor how much we hope you will accept the invitation of Columbia University. Trusting that your Far Eastern trip now drawing to a close has been of rest and pleasure to you both, with good health and new inspiration, I am Faithfully and sincerely yours, Gano Dunn