L I S T O F T E X T S x x i x 422. From Jun Ishiwara, 12 January 1923 423. From Sergei F. von Oldenburg, 18 January 1923 Not selected for translation 424. To Edgar, Else, and Edgar Michel Meyer, 20 January 1923 425. “On the General Theory of Relativity,” 22 January 1923 “Zur allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie” Preußische Akademie der Wissenschaften (Berlin). Physikalisch- mathematische Klasse. Sitzungsberichte (1923) 426. To Nippon Puroretaria Domei, 22 January 1923 427. From Chaim Weizmann, 4 February 1923 428. From Federigo Enriques, 8 February 1923 Not selected for translation 429. To Chaim Weizmann, 11 February 1923 430. To Arthur S. Eddington, 14 February 1923 Not selected for translation 431. From Heinrich Lüders, 15 February 1923 Not selected for translation 432. From Nicholas M. Butler, 26 February 1923 433. To Jun Ishiwara, after 26 February or after 21 March 1923 Not selected for translation 434. From Arthur Biram, 1 March 1923 Not selected for translation 435. From Gano Dunn, 1 March 1923 See documentary edition for the original English 436. To Wilhelm Westphal, 2 March 1923 437. From Mauricio David, 2 March 1923 Not selected for translation 438. To the Spanish Academy of Sciences, 4 March 1923 Discursos pronunciados en la sesión solemne que se dignó presidir S. M. el Rey el día 4 de marzo de 1923 celebrada para hacer entrega del diploma de académico corresponsal al profesor Albert Einstein. Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Madrid: Talleres Poligráficos, 1923 439. From Michael I. Pupin, 4 March 1923 Not selected for translation 440. From Carl Brinkmann, 9 March 1923 Not selected for translation