3 1 6 D O C . 3 7 9 T R A V E L D I A R Y D E C E M B E R 1 9 2 2 21st. Coastal walk in brilliant sunshine. Telegram to the Community of Shang- hai. Okamoto along. Afternoon, walk in woods and along coast. Jellyfish hunt with rocks (Gaki and Okamoto). 22nd. Yamamoto came, shorter walks. Wood blocks puzzle. Great difficulty solving it. Minor poisoning from open coal fire (hard coals among them!) in room the women were particularly affected. 23rd. Trip to Moji. Copious reception. Had to pass examination with journalists upon arrival in Shimonoseki. In evening, princely accommodations in Mitsui Club outside of Moji.[165] 24th. Photographed for the 10,000th time. Then, trip to Fukuoka immediately before talk, which lasted from 1–3 and 4–6 Ishiwara, suffering from cold, had to translate. Student reception called off because the people, as in Sendai, generally count on lecture free of charge and poor Yamamoto has been duped.[166] After lec- ture, Kaishosha dinner that almost lasts forever. A large part of the company and another group of high-school teachers at the next table, properly tipsy from rice wine and very funny.[167] Prof. Miyake thoughtfully accompanies me everywhere, in the end to a Japanese hotel, where the lady of the inn is deeply thrilled and, on her knees, bows her head to the ground around 100 times. Rooms in extremely good taste. Living room and 2 adjoining rooms provisionally outfitted with Euro- pean seating, everything separated by paper sliding doors that a little finger could easily shift aside.[168] 25th. Wild day! Around 9 o’clock Kuwaki shows up, Inagaki also there. Then the funny innkeeper. She comes with about 6 pieces of silk about ¾ [m] in length and a bundle of brushes and Japanese ink, and I am supposed to paint it all up with my name.[169] Discussion with Kuwaki about epistemol. questions in relativity. Then 11 o’clock picked up women (Elsa & Mrs. Inagaki). Trip to Japanese hotel. Touring of the city and many shops.[170] At 1 o’clock to university dinner in rooms of the medical faculty. Shaking of hands with very many professors. Viewing of gall stones, microscopic preparations on Weil’s disease, fish representing the result of crossbreeding, all specially set up in reception hall. Afternoon meal, talk by president and by me. Received many gifts.[171] Visit to a temple, the physics and solid mineralogy institute.[172] [Then] visit with Myake, who has four of the dearest children and finally to a trade exhibition in the town hall where the provincial gov- ernor in attendance had specially arranged to have wonderful paintings hung.[173] Then departure, to which all came, including the friendliest of all innkeepers. But I was dead, and my corpse drove back to Moji where it was carried on to a chil- dren’s Christmas and had to play violin for the children. At last, 10 o’clock return, supper, many letters from home, bed.[174] [p. 27] [p. 27v] [p. 28]