D O C . 4 3 8 M E S S A G E 6 7 1 Published in Jüdische Rundschau 30, no. 14 (17 February1925): 129. Another German version was published in the Leipziger Jüdische Zeitung 4, no. 8 (22 February 1925): 3. A French version was pub- lished in La revue juive 1 (1925): 14–16. [1]For previous statements by Einstein in which he expresses his misgivings on nationalism, see Einstein to Maurice Solovine, 16 March 1921 [Vol. 12, Doc. 100]), and Einstein to Noémi Stricker, 29 September 1921 [Vol. 12, Doc. 307]). “[S]einer” is an obvious typo for “meiner.” [2]For Einstein’s most programmatic statements to date on Jewish nationalism, see “Assimilation and Anti-Semitism,” 3 April 1920 (Vol. 7, Doc. 34), and “Anti-Semitism. Defense through Knowl- edge,” after 3 April 1920 (Vol. 7, Doc. 35). [3]The Nietzsche quote is an allusion to Nietzsche 2003a, aphorism 205: “On the people of Israel […] Every Jew has in the history of his fathers and forefathers a treasure trove of examples of the coldest self-possession and perseverance in terrible circumstances, of the subtlest circumvention and exploitation of misfortune and coincidence their bravery under the guise of wretched subjugation, their heroism in spernere se sperni (feeling contempt for being despised) exceeds the virtues of all the saints […]” (“Vom Volke Israel. […] Jeder Jude hat in der Geschichte seiner Väter und Grossväter eine Fundgrube von Beispielen kältester Besonnenheit und Beharrlichkeit in furchtbaren Lagen, von feinster Überlistung und Ausnützung des Unglücks und des Zufalls ihre Tapferkeit unter dem Deck- mantel erbärmlicher Unterwerfung, ihr Heroismus im spernere se sperni übertrifft die Tugenden aller Heiligen […]”). [4]For previous statements on the potential beneficial role of Zionism, see Einstein to Paul Ehrenfest, 18 June 1921 (Vol. 12, Doc. 152), and “A Conversation with Albert Einstein” (Vol. 12, Appendix G). [5]Einstein visited Palestine in February 1923 (see Vol. 13, Introduction, pp. lxv–lxix).