D O C U M E N T S 2 2 6 2 2 8 M A R C H 1 9 2 4 2 2 3
226. To Marcel Grossmann
[Berlin,] 15 March 1924
Dear Grossmann,
Nothing you can do about
So, I accept your kind
I guess I shall
probably speak about the more recent development in the foundations of mechan-
ics. There is still the problem that I can’t find Prof.
letter with his ad-
dress right now, despite all my searching (order, blessed
May I
therefore ask you please to accept in my name, so to speak, and to give him my ex-
cuses with the reason that I’m a slovenly guy who wouldn’t even have been able to
pass his examinations without the help of Grossmann’s
Warm regards from your
227. To Maja Winteler-Einstein
[Berlin,] 27 March 1924
Dear Sister,
You are entirely right to be dissatisfied with

Ilse is marrying soon, in fact, a very good, congenial, sound fellow, a writer by
the name of
he is from a modest Jewish family and comes from Meck-
228. From Michele Besso
[Bern, before 28 March
Dear Albert,
1. A good acquaintance, Dr. Wissler, assistant to the director of the Sw[iss] Na-
contacted me to obtain a complete list of your writings &, if pos-
sible, the means & ways of finding out how to procure those no longer available on
the market. At the same time, he informed me of the writings that the National Li-
brary already owns, a catalog of which will be enclosed with this letter. Since I
would like to fulfill his request as far as possible &, as you know, since I lost my
own collection during the wartime chaos, by which aid I could at least have given
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