4 3 2 D O C U M E N T 4 3 7 F E B R U A R Y 1 9 2 5
437. From David Hilbert
Göttingen, 14 February 1925
Due to reservations that have arisen in connection with the question of inviting
French mathematicians to collaborate on the Riemann volume, and taking into ac-
count that a non-binding inquiry of Mr. Langevin already occurred before these res-
ervations became
the editors of the Annalen have unanimously taken the
following decision: Colleague Einstein should be asked to inform Mr. Langevin
that special personal invitations to collaborate on the Riemann volume would no
longer be issued to foreigners, but that contributions obtained through the media-
tion of Langevin, or Einstein, that reach the Annalen editorial office in time, pro-
vided they are suitable, will be included in the Riemann volume. Foreigners who
do not have such a personal invitation but wish to collaborate and thereby signal
their interest and intent, shall not be excluded in principle on the basis of being a
member of a particular nation.