4 5 2 D O C . 4 5 5 T R A V E L D I A R Y
5. With Wassermans, drive to their property
6. In the morning, with local physiologist visit with the optician and stockbroker
Fortin. Showed experiments on subjective phenomena on the retina through
application of intense monochromatic light. Afternoon lecture. In the evening,
large assembly of Zionists in the theater regarding the Jer. univ. Spaniards made an
appearance with elegant pathos. I, short speech. Mossinson in Yiddish in folksy
Yiddish has a remarkable tenderness of expression.
7. Visit to clinic of Rector
Well equipped. Competent man. Stands out
very much against his surroundings.
8. 9. 10. Country sojourn to Lavajol. Tapped new energy. Original Don Pablo
ants. Fine weather, wonderful rest. Splendid idea for a new theory of the connection
between gravitation and
11. ¢12.² Evening trip in special railway car with eng. Buty, Logarte, dean of phi-
los. Alberini, and dean of eng[ineering] in
12. Sun. Drive into ancient, picturesque, sparsely vegetated granite mountains.
Evening, very boring meal by
13. Formal session, presentation in wonderful hall of the university. Midday
meal beside new governor of the province, a very refined, interesting person. Oth-
erwise only tiring abundance of Spaniards, journalists, and Jews; droll Hebrew ad-
dress by trembling
In the evening, sleep in the special railway car.
14. Return trip to Buenos. Apart from Alberini, avg.
Happy to arrive.
I’m terribly tired of people. The thought of still having to travel about for so long
weighs heavily on me.
Overall impression, lacquered Indians, skeptically cynical without any love of
culture, degenerated in ox lard. Cordoba exhibits residue of true culture with love
of the soil and a sense for the sublime. Wonderful
Buildings finely
proportioned (old Spanish) without daft ornamentation. But on the other hand, cler-
ical rule. It’s still better than a self-satisfied civilization without
16. 10 o’clock session of the Zionist executive in the office there. Very
When I’m shown mementos, horrendous filth was revealed under a pho-
tograph on the wall. I hope it’s not to be taken as a symbol.
In the afternoon, session of the Academy became foreign member. Very stupid
scientific questions were asked of me, so it was difficult to remain
17. Photographed early by painter. Afternoon, next to last lecture. Evening re-
ception at the German embassy. Nothing but locals, no Germans; for, the envoy
seems not to have dared to invite the latter to see
Funny bunch, the Germans.
To them I’m a stinking flower, yet they do constantly stick me back into the button
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