1 3 8 D O C U M E N T 1 1 8 N O V E M B E R 1 9 2 5 Magnes signed the declaration, we must inform him and the members of the Board of Governors that his course of action is inadmissible. He can raise an objection to the version of the minutes of the meeting only with the Board of Governors and submit proposals for change to the Board of Governors, which must be voted on at the next meeting. I therefore completely share your opinion. After all, Mr. Ginzberg is not secre- tary of the Board of Governors![7] It is out of the question that we present the minutes of the meeting from the dis- patch to Mr. Magnes. If he continues to behave so badly, then there remains, re- gardless of the money involved, no other solution than to throw him out. You can certainly count on me. I am not afraid of the Americans to whom I will, if need be, explain the situation. We must, of course, wait for Ginzberg’s letter. Then we will proceed vigorously. I am enclosing an application by Mr. Horowitz, for which I ask confirmation be given to him (in my name).[8] The application is to be presented to the Board of Governors, during the next meeting. I attended and spoke recently at the Citron meeting.[9] Consideration must be given to the Ge[sellschaft] der Freunde d[er] Jerusalem-Bibliothek.[10] Even though Löwe has skeletons in his closet, one must absolutely go easy on him, par- ticularly since he has not been treated in a totally kosher manner.[11] The name of the game must be: money, Citron books, Löwe. Otherwise, not only Löwe but also Pratt[12] and others will justifiably be peeved.[13] Best regards to you and Weizmann, your A. Einstein 118. From Paul Ehrenfest Leyden, 22 November 1925 Dear Einstein, I now have two more requests of you. 1°. Please bring along for me two separate offprints of the papers you’ve written since the onset of the Bose disease.[1] [2]°. Be so good as to inform us by which route and on which train you are com- ing. By constantly keeping this secret, you are simply depriving our children of the great[2] pleasure of picking you up at the station. The various members of the household are each expecting, with great impa- tience, their own special Einstein—Pawlik,[3] 50% that “Brazilian” Einstein but also the physicist and playmate!— I believe you’ll be particularly pleased with