2 0 6 D O C U M E N T 1 1 7 N O V E M B E R 1 9 2 5 Ich lege Ihnen einen Antrag von Herrn Horowitz bei, den ich ihm gegenüber zu bestätigen bitte (in meinem Namen)[8] Der Antrag ist dem Kuratorium vorzulegen, wohl bei der nächsten Sitzung. Ich war und sprach neulich bei der Sitzung Citron[9] Es muss Rücksicht auf die Gel. der Freunde d. J. Bibliothek genommen werden.[10] Wenn Löwe schon Dreck am Stecken hat, so muss er doch unbedingt geschont werden, zumal man ihm ge- genüber doch nicht ganz koscher gehandelt hat.[11] Die Devise muss heissen Geld Citron, Bücher Löwe. Sonst wird nicht nur Löwe sondern auch Pratt[12] und andere mit Recht proges.[13] Es grüsst Sie und Weizmann bestens Ihr A. Einstein. ALS (IL-JeCZA, L12/147I). [37 727]. Einstein wrote “Vertraulich” above the salutation. There are perforations for a loose-leaf binder at the left margin of the document. [1]Arthur Felix. [2]Rudolf Ehrmann. [3]Chaim Weizmann. Einstein and Weizmann were elected co-presidents of the BOGHU at the sec- ond meeting of the board in Munich in September (see “Protokoll der Zweiten Sitzung des Kuratoriums der Universitaet Jerusalem, abgehalten am 23. Sept. 1925 in Muenchen” [IL-JeCZA,L12/83/1/1]). [4]A year previously, Weizmann had informed Einstein of the difficulties in finding a director for the university’s microbiological institute. The institute had been established in 1924 without the appointment of a director. One assistant, the parasitologist Saul Adler, had been hired (see Weizmann to Einstein, 10 June 1924 and 12 December 1924 [Vol. 14, Docs. 268 and 394]). [5]Judah L. Magnes had been appointed chancellor and Norman Bentwich had been appointed vice-chancellor (see Abs. 124 and “Protokoll der Zweiten Sitzung des Kuratoriums der Universitaet Jerusalem, abgehalten am 23. Sept. 1925 in Muenchen” [IL-JeCZA, L12/83/1/1]). [6]Solomon Ginzberg (1889–1968) had been appointed secretary of the BOGHU and secretary of the university at the first meeting of the board in April in Tel Aviv (see “Minutes of the 1st meeting of the Board of Governors of the Hebrew University,” 12 and 21 April 1925 [36 884]). [7]Though Ginzberg had been appointed secretary of the board at its first meeting (see the preced- ing note), in the version of the minutes of the second meeting of the board approved of by Einstein, Kohn had been appointed both secretary of the board and of the Academic Council (see “Protokoll der Zweiten Sitzung des Kuratoriums der Universitaet Jerusalem, abgehalten am 23. Sept. 1925 in Muenchen” [IL-JeCZA, L12/83/1/1] and Doc. 142, note 1). [8]Josef Horovitz (1874–1931) was a German-Jewish orientalist, Professor of Semitic Languages at the University of Frankfurt, and member of the BOGHU. [9]The meeting in question was the first public session of the Deutscher Verband zur Förderung der Universität Jerusalem. Einstein spoke about the role and needs of the Hebrew University. He noted that most of the funds raised for the university by American Jewry were intended for the planned Institute of Jewish Studies. However, the university’s other institutes lacked adequate financial sup- port. He therefore stressed the need for the establishment of an association of Jewish intellectuals in Germany. He also warned against attaching conditions to bequests to the university as this would ham- per its operations (see Jüdische Rundschau, 17 November 1926, and Vossische Zeitung, 17 November 1925, ME). Julius Citron (1878–1952) was Extraordinary Professor of Internal Medicine at the University of Berlin and first chairman of the Deutscher Verband zur Förderung der Universität Jerusalem.