D O C U M E N T 1 1 7 N O V E M B E R 1 9 2 5 1 3 7 116. The Prussian Academy of Sciences to Hendrik Antoon Lorentz [Berlin, after 20 November 1925][1] [See Doc. 121 in this volume for English translation of the published version of this document.] 117. To Leo Kohn [Berlin,] 21 November 1925 Dear Mr. Kohn, You are absolutely right about Mr. Felix.[1] Mr. Ehrmann[2] and the other medi- cal friends here praise him highly. So, write to Mr. Felix that expert opinions about him are being collected, and that the matter will be brought before the Board of Governors—all on condition of Weizmann’s agreement.[3] It is, incidentally, to date, doubtful whether a director of the Microbiology Institute will be appointed at all.[4] I am sending Mr. Felix’s papers to Mr. Ehrmann, asking him to seek out ex- perts, including an American, if possible. Before this occurs, one must, however, ask oneself whether there are also other candidates about whom expert opinions should likewise be collected. I remember specifically that Magnes himself first initiated the ceremony of glo- riously bestowing titles [5] for I will never forget what an embarrassing impression it made on me. Mr. Magnes must be clearly told, and, indeed, in the name of the Board of Governors, that he is absolutely the administrator of the Board of Gover- nors, and that he may only execute things (with the exception of the relatively mi- nor matters that arise in the moment) that the Board of Governors has decided. This applies primarily to the provisional status. (We will soon see to it that either this provisional status lasts long enough, or that the final constitution offers complete certainty.) I hereby confirm, after examination, the accuracy of the minutes of the meeting. I am proposing to Mr. Weizmann that all members of the Board of Governors be sent a memo from Weizmann and me stating that Mr. Ginzberg’s explanations are to be construed only as the expressions of the opinion of one person, which, as such, cannot be accurate.[6] A person who does not belong to the Board of Gover- nors cannot make unsolicited remarks about the internal affairs of the Board of Governors. Since Mr. Ginzberg is an employee of the University, his conduct is doubly reprehensible and I will propose issuing him an official reprimand. If
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