D O C U M E N T 5 2 1 M A Y 1 9 2 7 5 1 9 recently received from Ginzberg[8] about the development of the university during this last year, it is, for example, mentioned that a man from Naples had been ap- pointed by Prof. Kligler as his assistant for physiology and also another man as as- sistant for malaria research neither appointment had been brought before the Board of Governors or the Academic Council at all. What business, by the way, an assistant for physiology has in an isolated hygiene research institute is incompre- hensible to us here. Things are continuing in the same manner in the Institute of Jewish Studies, which, as you know, is not under the direct control of the Board of Governors, but rather of a special administrative board.[9] In place of long explanations, I am en- closing a copy of a letter that Dr. Hertz, the chair of the administrative board of the Institute, recently addressed to Dr. Magnes,[10] who, despite multiple decisions of the board, refuses to carry out the permanent hiring of one of the professors, al- though fixed capital is available for this purpose.[11] The implied justification for this attitude is the same that was expressed last year as well, namely, that the mon- ies are available only as long as the current administration remains at the helm. The issue of the expansion of the university in the direction of its development into a teaching university that is being promoted in Palestine was turned over for consultation last year to a committee consisting of Brodetsky, Horovitz, and Orn- stein it is now getting together for a meeting in Frankfurt.[12] As to materials, a group of statements by teachers arrived from Palestine, in which that necessity is repeated in all possible variations. The level of these statements is not very satisfy- ing. I am enclosing some of them for you, as well as my letter to Brodetsky about the current directives of the university administration. (Enclosure IV )[13] The next meeting of the Board of Governors will probably take place in Geneva at the end of August.[14] However, prior to that, Mr. Felix Warburg will probably meet with you. He is supposed to be in Berlin around 20 May and intends, as Bro- detsky (who spoke to him in America) informed me, to visit you in Berlin. You will thus, indeed, have the opportunity to present your opinion to him in person. I now believe that with regard to your attitude toward Dr. M. it will be perhaps more ad- visable if you justify your rejection of Dr. M’s administration more with his intel- lectual rather than his personal inadequacy. Weizmann himself views the things very pessimistically. He realizes that the sit- uation is a complete mess and would like to resign the presidency.[15] Admittedly, not much that is positive is achieved by that. Currently, Weizmann has too little time and energy left to be able to intervene positively in the matter, at least not any time soon.