5 2 0 D O C U M E N T 5 2 2 M A Y 1 9 2 7 In my opinion, the situation can only be remedied if one entrusts the leadership to a competent younger man who truly understands something about the adminis- tration of a university and understands the problems specific to this university. Professor Brodetsky, who I believe would not be disinclined to take on the matter if he can also continue to do scientific work, strikes me as such a type. I would only ask you in conclusion to consider the content of this letter as con- fidential, especially vis-à-vis Mr. Warburg and, preferably, to throw it in the fire right away. You might communicate the substantive content incidentally to Prof. Ehrmann,[16] but only to him. I very much regret that he did not disavow the re- sponsibility thrust upon him by Dr. M. last year for Kligler’s appointment. Best regards, yours sincerely, Leo Kohn Might I ask you now for a brief confirmation of receipt to my address above so I know that this letter actually reached you? 522. From Paul Ehrenfest Leyden, 16 May 1927 Dear Einstein, Three requests or queries: I. I’m very interested in getting Dirac to come to Leyden for a while.[1] Because of the somewhat obscure way in which Dirac writes, I am probably going to en- counter difficulties in doing this. Some feel unsure about their judgment of him. I myself value him very highly and could only place Heisenberg above him and per- haps also Pauli, among the younger ones.[2] As this just involves an invitation for a few months, it doesn’t have much importance at all. But I would like to know what impression you have of him. If you feel like giving me your verdict on him, please do so. Incidentally, only for use in conversation with Lorentz and Fokker.[3] If you don’t feel like making your verdict available to me, it’s not necessary, either. At any rate, it can be very short and apodictic. II. I would like to invite Born and his wife to visit us in Leyden for a week right before or right after the Solvay Congress.[4] If you are perhaps planning to also visit Leyden in addition to Brussels, I wouldn’t like to have you and the Borns here at the same time, in order to have all of you here quietly. That’s why I ask you please to let me know already whether you intend also to visit Leyden along with Brus- sels if yes, before or after? By the way, I think that AFTER Brussels the company of physicists is certainly going to be quite intolerable to you, and therefore your po-